Back To School
Please all join me in singing the song from Billy Madison…
I’ve seen that movie more than anyone I know. Growing up when my mom would watch my nephew daily, he watched that darn movie EVERY SINGLE DAY. So yes I know every line to it, but hey at least it was a good movie.
Yesterday was a BIG day for Phoebe and I. It was our first day of obedience school. We were both a little nervous, but we got up, had some coffee first and a light breakfast, and got dressed for class. It was COLD, especially since it has been in the 70s in Maryland. The temperature dropped to 43! I love scarf weather ๐
When we pulled up we sat in the car for a few minutes because I started laughing hysterically. All I saw were BIG DOGS.
Phoebe was the smallest by about 90 pounds, not kidding. We looked very out of place. She’s so small and dainty and we were surrounded by rescued pit bulls. But guess what? We weren’t going to let that stop us! We came to learn. Big or small, who cares? I know my Phoebe is super smart and would catch on quick.
Let’s do this!
In the above picture she looks a little scared, that’s because she was. I held her for the first 20 minutes or so because I was afraid to put her down at first. But she wanted to get down like the other dogs. I swear she was thinking “mom all the other dogs are doing it, stop embarrassing me!”.
It was A LOT of waiting around since we had to register and there were about 15 dogs. They made us space out very far from each other because of doggy behavior issues. Well I could have easily been arrested because one dog went after her. A BIG DOG. Stupid owner couldn’t control her dog. Phoebe leaped in my arms. We kept our distance from that one. However there was another one that kept staring at her like she was a snack.
It’s easy to mistake my dog for a bunny or squirrel I guess.
After the first 45 minutes, she calmed down and we got a new training collar!
The trainers just made over how adorable she is, well duh. And her name went over BIG. Yep, we were total divas ๐
Since it was the first class, they kept it pretty simple talking about how to walk and hold a dog on a leash. It ended up being almost 2 hours and by the end Phoebe was just standing there people and puppy watching. I was so proud of her, especially since the other dogs around us were big and some misbehaving. ย They also gave us homework!
So proud ๐
Oh and CHECK OUT THIS MONSTER. I wouldn’t let Phoebe go anywhere near this one. She wouldn’t even be an appetizer for this dog, she’d be an amuse bouche! (single, bite-sized hors dโลuvre).
We made it back home, I had a quick fluff, and off to G-Mama and Pop Pops we went to talk about our experience.
Later, I went to the gym for a leg day (the day before was back day, sorry I skipped that post, a lot going on!)
Here were my various gym outfits… can you guess that I am wearing more high socks? ๐
I didn’t do much cardio yesterday, 10 minutes of quick HIIT sprints on the arc trainer, then 20 minutes of the spin bike at a high resistance. I made it a slow climb.
- Squats, 50 lb bar, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Plie squats on toes, 12 reps x 3 sets
- Leg Presses, 270 lbs, 10 reps x 3 sets, then 290 lbs (PR!), 8 reps x 2 setsย
- Seated Calf raises, 70 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Leg extensions, 80-90 lbs, 8-10 reps x 3 sets
- Plie squats holding 35 lb kettle, 12-15 reps x 4 sets
- Step back Lunges using small box (one foot on small box, lunge BACK using other foot. 40 lb bar on shoulders. 10 reps x 4 sets each leg
- Side box squats, 40 lb bar, 10 reps x 4 sets each side. (see picture below)
I love these! They really work the inner thighs. Just squat down and up. Some stretching rounded out my workout and then I was out of there!
On weekends after leg days, I always stop for a soy latte at Starbucks. It’s my little “treat”. So yummy!
Back at G-Mama’s, Phoebe and I decided to do our homework because we needed a large space. We are learning how to walk on a leash with stop and go marks, using a long lead. This is a 15 foot lead. She caught on RIGHT AWAY! She is such a good little thing.
I told G-Mama that Phoebe doesn’t even really NEED training, but it’s fun for us! Plus she has a few things we need to work on, like ME being the boss and not her ๐
We had a vet appointment scheduled, but I decided to cancel. Phoebe was wiped, and I knew it would be too much for one day.
At home I meal prepped up a storm (I’ll talk about some of the foods tomorrow), and Phoebe was under the couch the whole time. It’s her little cave. She was so exhausted. Here are a few pictures to sum up how she felt.
“Mommy I’m so tired”
Yawning and teary eyes
Zzzzzzz…. dreaming of busy bones!
Overall we had a great day. I was pretty beat myself. I’m so sad the weekend is over, but the great thing about weekends are that they always come back around ๐ Can’t wait for the next one. 4 days to go!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne
Omg that last picture of that dog, MASSIVE!! Holy crap. And that one that kept staring at her, that’s a little scary! Defiantly looked like it wanted to eat her. I might have to try those side squats today!! Love the pictures of Phoebe, she seriously is too cute. Have a good day ๐
I know! I was like oh gosh what have we gotten into! Her little bum was wiped, but we had fun. She was a completely different dog by the end of the night. Crazy