Friday Freedom and A Double Life
Good Morning all π I am in a much better mood now that I don’t have to step foot back into the hospital until Tuesday! Four days of freedom is a pretty sweet deal!
I started my morning with fruit and cottage cheese
Hit my typical labs, notes, and other work and was counting down till lunch! Is it just me or do you guys wait for lunch every single day like it’s a HUGE event? Maybe I just love food, or maybe I’m extremely sad, but most of the time I’ll look at the clock and say okay I’ll finish this stuff up and then only an hour until I’ll stop and get lunch! Half of it is because I love to eat, and the other half is because once lunch hits the day is downhill from there (usually). I packed 2 of my turkey burgers with me along with my zucchini, onion, asparagus, and spaghetti squash.
The plan was to leave early because I felt like death all day long, but it didn’t happen. I spent a good 45 minutes just trying to find a computer that would print a prescription for me. My hospital is in the process of moving floors and revamping things, so I guess the computers weren’t hooked up correctly or something. Or somewhere there are 45 prescriptions of the same medication with my name on it! No worries, no one can sign for me without my secret medical number π I did finally find a computer and there was a pretty cool view of the city too
Each day my blog is discovered by a new person at work. Someone ends up mentioning it or asks me about it. And then come the questions! People are like “you do what now!?” “why is this the first time I’ve heard of this!?” They are always surprised then they run right to a computer. I call it my double life… π
I think the best part of it is people initially joke about it or think it’s some cheesy little hobby, then they open it up and are shocked at how well it’s done. No surprise for me, I’m an over achiever and if I set my mind to something I do it right and I do it big! Most of the time I just end up saying no look at how cute my dog is! But everyone wants to see what’s under the scrubs!
This is what I look like at work. (Yesterday I looked extra sad since I wasn’t feeling good). But really you wouldn’t know I lift a lot by looking at me here. Usually I’m wearing my big white coat on top of it, so it adds about 40 lbs to my frame.
Under these scrubs I hide muscles!
So in a way I guess I do live a double life, but I’m still ME! I have my real PA day job, then I have my blog job! One pays the bills, and the other keeps my sanity in check π Even though my blog keeps me super busy, starting it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! I love the e-mails and messages I receive that I am inspiring people and also sharing my ideas. It also is a huge motivator for myself to keep the weight off! So as long as you guys keep reading I will continue to write. Well even if you stop my mom will be the only one to read and she will still make me write π (#1 Fan)
If you are going away this weekend for Easter please be safe and enjoy the holiday! I love any holiday that is time spent with the family. Last Easter I went to New York for 4 days, Β and this Easter my sis is going with her hubby and Bella to North Carolina. Phoebe and I will still spend the day at my parents house even though we don’t have anything planned. I’m pretty sure the Easter Bunny will be stopping by to give her a surprise though!
I will be back tomorrow with a REGULAR blog featuring a recipe and workout. I still thought it was too soon to push myself since I wasn’t feeling well. I knew if I worked out I might end up hurting myself, then not be able to workout for these next 4 days off. So I definitely didn’t want to do that! I think it’ll be a chest and tricep day combined since I never had a chance to do my triceps this week. Gonna make it burn!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
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