Gym Hopping on One Foot
It’s Sunday! I already have the Sunday blues to the max… Maybe that’s because my Saturday night ended like this:

I was at the gym and 10 minutes into my workout I dropped a 25 lb plate on my foot. I could not stop crying! I felt like a wimp. But man it hurt. Luckily a very nice woman I see there all the time helped me out. She stopped in the middle of her workout to go get me ice from the smoothie stand in the mall (yeah my gym didn’t have a first aid kit, nor ice, nor did they care I hurt myself and looked the other way— I will be complaining Monday! It’s dangerous not having a first aid kit!). So big thanks to Marissa for being so sweet and calming me down!

This was the dreaded machine that did it to me. The weight slipped while I was stacking it.

I think the only thing that saved me was that it didn’t drop really high off the ground. I was convinced I broke my foot and/or toes after it happened because I couldn’t move it. I think it was just the shock of the weight hitting it that initially made my toes numb. Then I panicked because I thought I am not going to be able to workout for weeks!

Somehow I made it back to G-Mama and Pop Pops after propping it up for a few minutes (it was my left, only need right foot to drive!) and I laid down for a little while and iced before heading home with my pup

When I got home I must have eaten my weight in food. Whenever I’m hurt or sick I eat a lot. I don’t know what it is! Anyway my dinner consisted of more of that yummy smoked chicken and a side of soba noodles! N for noodle

Mango Miso Soba Noodles. I have an obsession with mango lately. I don’t know how I never ate it all these years!
Then per an Instagram request, I made healthy peanut butter cups!

This recipe will be up soon! If you can’t wait, look me up on Instagram: SkinnyMinnieMoves and I have a quick rundown of the recipe for my followers. It literally takes 22 minutes to whip together and 20 of these minutes are freezing! Incredibly simple.
I spent the remainder of my night with my foot propped up and watched tv in my recliner. I like to watch really bad reality tv when I’m hurting! Oh wait… I’m sorry I’m confused, this is every day
Phoebe was a good little girl, she knew mommy was hurt.

I then looked at puppy pictures of Phoebe and started crying. I cannot believe how much she has grown!

This week I will be “gym hopping”. I decided last night I am switching gyms. After the injury, I was pretty disgusted that the staff didn’t ask if I was okay. Plus not having a first aid kit!? Horrifying. Lately I have been having second thoughts about the gym anyway because it is insanely overcrowded. I know it’s that time of year, but they do not have enough equipment for all the memberships they sell. I literally have to stalk for a stair master. So I will be shopping around this week! I’ll probably end up picking the one with the most stairmasters and cardio equipment! I also prefer one close to G-Mama and Pop Pops because on weekends they watch my girl while I gym it
Here’s hoping I’m no longer HOPPING tomorrow! My job requires a lot of walking around and going up stairs! Eek!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
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