Ice Cream Cakie

A cakie is my own little term I came up with. It’s small and round like a cookie, but has more of a cake consistency. The cakie is born! I will be making more varieties of these because I just LOVED the taste of it.

We can’t be Betty Crocker at all times, and let’s face it, sometimes I’m tired of making everything from scratch myself. So to save time we all grab that cake mix occasionally, it’s okay. Plus, I never use cake flour much so I don’t have any reason to buy it. It’s just easier to buy a cake mix for what I need at the moment. I like Duncan Hines because it is always on sale. The yellow cake mix is the best 🙂

The filling of this little ice cream cakie is frozen greek yogurt. Not ice cream! So thankfully we will keep a slim waistline. A few mini chocolate chips and some raw shredded coconut give them a “good humor ice cream sandwich” look. I can hear the ice cream truck tune in my head right now!

For this recipe you will need: 
-2 cups of plain greek yogurt
-1/2 cup of cacao powder
-1/4 cup of stevia in the raw
-1 box of yellow cake mix (I like Duncan Hines)
-1 8oz container of Cool Whip lite
-1 egg
-1 large scoop of protein powder (I used Jay Robb strawberry brand)
-2 Tablespoons of semi sweet mini chocolate chips
-1/4 cup of raw organic coconut shreds

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit

Start by mixing together the greek yogurt, cacao powder, and stevia

Cacao powder is a super food!
Cacao powder is a super food!
Love how creamy this looks!
Love how creamy this looks!

Pop in the freezer for a few hours. If you do overnight, you will have to thaw it for a few hours. It freezes pretty hard!

Now start on the cakies. This recipe is super simple. Mix the protein powder and cake mix

I love the smell of my protein powder!
I love the smell of my protein powder!

Now add the cool whip and egg

I love cool whip! I could easily sit with a spoon and the tub of it
I love cool whip! I could easily sit with a spoon and the tub of it

You will need a hand mixer or fancy Kitchenaid for this batter. It will be EXTREMELY thick. Too difficult for hand only.

See? It's really difficult to get if off the beaters, I used my fingers!
See? It’s really difficult to get if off the beaters, I used my fingers!

Now line a baking sheet with parchment paper. I sprayed with a little olive oil spray to make sure my cakies wouldn’t stick. Plop the batter on the sheet. Again, it is going to be extremely thick, it doesn’t matter if they are super uneven. They will even out once they start baking!

They look odd I know
They look odd I know

Hang in there, these will taste good!

Raw Cakie
Raw Cakie

Bake in the oven for 18 minutes

They look like buns! Mine baked together, I just broke them apart. I didn't have a bigger baking sheet!
They look like HUGE buns! Mine baked together, I just broke them apart. I didn’t have a bigger baking sheet!
I could eat this alone, and I did... multiple times... :)
I could eat this alone, and I did… multiple times… 🙂

Prepare your coconut shreds and mini chocolate chips

What a delicious combo! Grab a spoon!
What a delicious combo! Grab a spoon!

Once the cakies have cooled, place greek yogurt in between two cakies to make a sandwich

Dessert sandwich!
Dessert sandwich!

Roll your ice cream cakie in the chocolate chips and coconut

Love those colors!
Love those colors!

Time to enjoy that Ice Cream Cakie!

Ice Cream Cakie, what an indulgence!
Ice Cream Cakie, what an indulgence!

Things get messy and melty, but so worth it

Dessert. Why yes please
Dessert. Why yes please

I love the extra protein boost from the protein powder! The cakie is SO moist from the cool whip and has just the right amount of sweetness. I had to stop myself from eating all the cakies off the pan!

Makes 6 ice cream cakies!

Happy eating…

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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