Splurge Versus Steal

Good Morning Monday People!

Yesterday morning I slept in and it felt great. Well I don’t know if sleeping in really counts if you go to bed around 4am, but I’m going to say it does.

I woke up and had one of my “treats” I made during my baking insomnia session.

Don't judge my nerd alert shirt. It came with a big bang dvd... "sure Katie".... ;)
Don’t judge my nerd alert shirt. It came with a big bang dvd… “sure Katie”…. 😉

These are my attempt at Quest Bars. I will share the recipe soon, but I still need to tweak some things to make it better!

homemade quest bar

After breakfast I went to Target to pick up a few household items (toilet paper since Miss Buffay ate mine), but ended up spending way more than I anticipated. Target why do you always do this to me!? This is the reason why I always say no to the 5% Target card, because I will be in there every weekend.

Anyway, so the night before I was online shopping (as always) and I saw Lululemon put out some more tops that I love. You guys know the ones I’m talking about, I wear them a lot!

Lulu love
I was going to purchase in blue

And I also saw these BRIGHT yoga pants I loved, but I couldn’t bring myself to hit checkout because the bill was sky high.

can I be a medical nerd for a second and point out the massive heel spur this lady has going on?














So these two items would run me $156! I absolutely love Lululemon but it’s not always in my budget. Yes the quality is there, but I like to find things that are a little more budget friendly too so I can save some pennies 🙂

In Target I came across this top:

lulu knock off lulu knock off 2

And these pants:

bright pants bright pants 2

They look just as good right!? And guess what? I didn’t spend anywhere NEAR $156! The top was $22.99, the pants were on sale for $19.00. So that brings my total to $41.99. Such a steal over that splurge! I am going to rock my hot pink pants later today at the gym with my Skinny Minnie top! So if you want to look just as good in the gym, you don’t have to always shop those pricey boutiques.

I decided to wear my cute little top to the gym yesterday and it was a good leg day! I started with 25 minutes on the spin bike, then hit leg work.

  • Alternating lunge step backs on smith machine. 95-115 lbs, 20 alternating reps x 4 sets. THIS WILL BURN PEEPS! 
  • Calf raises on smith machine, 165 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Side squats, alternating stepping side to side, 40 lb barbell, 20 reps x 4 sets
  • One leg balance dead lifts (video on Instagram) holding 15 lb kettle. 10 reps x 4 sets each side
Lower down and lift up! Super tough to keep your balance
Lower down and lift up! Super tough to keep your balance
  • Plie squats, 40 lb barbell, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Leg extensions, 90-110 lbs, 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Alternating curtsy lunges, 20 reps x 3 sets
  • Standing calf raises, 100-110 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Prone Hamstring/Leg curls, 25 lbs, 8 reps x 3 sets

The leg curls really killed me and my hamstrings were so tight! I definitely need to do some stretching these next few days because they will just get worse.

smith and target top

I finished with chin ups and chin holds. I’m all about finishing a workout with a kill!

beast babe

Girl put down those weapons!

I felt so good when I finished! Then I picked up my baby boo boo (what I call her), and we headed home to work on a few things.

DSC_3796 DSC_3781

This is a Watermelon Refresher! Perfect for summer time and a hot day. This little project is something I am working on for Veria.com so stay tuned for the recipe!

So for those of you who e-mailed me yesterday about a shirt, I am taking PRE-ORDERS as of right now to get a feel for how many I will need. If you want one don’t forget to Email Me 

make sure you include what size you want! I am wearing a small

Start your week off with a smile and a good gym session! Biceps coming at me later!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    Mmmm that watermelon refreshener reminds me of the one I made 🙂 So yummy! Ahhh! Leg day is ahead for me, increasing the weight for my squats, should be interesting ;). Have a good day 🙂

    1. Katie

      I def overworked myself and now my knee is suffering. Darn misalignment issues. Have a good leg day!

  2. Kim

    What causes the heel spurs that you mentioned on the model ?

    1. Katie

      uneven pressure from your foot, constant rubbing from shoes, ill fitting shoes, etc

  3. Kristen @ Medium Roast

    I love that top from Target! I can never justify a Lululemon purchase, aside from my $12 headband. I love their stuff, but it’s so much easier to check out places like Target. Great find!

    1. Katie

      Thanks girl! How’s prep!?

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