100 Push Up Challenge

Good Morning to all my readers! Today I am making it my goal to not let anyone get me down! A smile on my face at all times is how I’m making this day go 🙂

Anything in particular happening? Nope. I just started thinking about things yesterday and realizing I care too much about other peoples opinions. Also, some people tend to be malicious on purpose because they aren’t happy in their lives. Am I hinting at someone in particular? No again! I just took a step back yesterday and realized how unhappy and grumpy the world is sometimes. Kind of stinks! I don’t want that for me! Smiles all around 🙂

Actually something good happened to someone I know and I was GENUINELY happy for her. People just aren’t that way anymore 🙁

Moving on!

Work wasn’t too bad, but by mid afternoon my knee was throbbing! I took a peek and it was a little swollen so I kept it up like this while I typed my notes

elevation! felt better after a while!
elevation! felt better after a while!

I also had this to get me through the tired times!

A little pick me up :)
A little pick me up 🙂

By the late afternoon I was more than ready to hit the gym!

I decided on chest day and started with this little gem I call the 100 pushup challenge!

100 Pushup Challenge! HEART RATE UP!
100 Pushup Challenge! HEART RATE UP!

Let me explain the alternating arm movement one. Basically you have a narrow pushup stance but left arm moves out wide and you push down into that side and back up, then switch to the other side. So your body is almost “walking”. So yes, all of these pushups are on YOUR TOES! But if you need a break, do the non-moving ones on knees if you need to. Never stop!

For the jump outs, narrow feet, jump feet out wide, push down and up, then hop back in!

You can take a rest in between sets but not too long! I was really sweating after this. I also did 4 sets of 10 TRX pushups using my body weight so really it was 140 pushups! I will be sore later 😉

I then did 20 minutes on the elliptical!

Then back to chest I went:

  • Smith Machine Bench Chest Presses, 70 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Seated Fly’s (machine), 50 lbs, 15 reps x 2 sets, then 70 lbs, 10 reps x 2 sets
  • Standing around the worlds, 8 lb kettles in hands (arms by sides, straight raise in semi-circular motion to ceiling and back down), 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Decline chest presses, 95 lbs 12 reps x 2 sets, then 110 lbs, 10 reps x 2 sets
  • Incline chest presses, 50 lbs, 12 reps x 2 sets, then 65 lbs, 10 reps x 2 sets

Finished with 10 minutes of arc trainer and a stretch and home to my girl!

Only pic I took today, I look wiped too and I wasn't trying very hard...
Only pic I took today, I look wiped too and I wasn’t trying very hard…

For dinner I made roasted cauliflower and a pork chop with Mrs. Dash. Nothing special!

I was also informed about something on Facebook via my BFF DiPeppe. Have you ever looked at your “others” inbox? First of all I didn’t know there was one! Second why does stuff go there? Go to your page, click on the messages tab, then click OTHER! There are emails there! I had a bunch! Recent ones and then YEARS old! I couldn’t believe it. Some people I had no idea who they were (I guess a filtering process) or just forgot (hey college you meet a lot of people), and others I was thinking HEY I thought he/she blew me off! So take a peek at this guys, it’s interesting what you might have been missing out on!

By the time I ate dinner, blogged, caught up on e-mails and things, I was beat and had to go to bed, so I promise to have a recipe tomorrow! Skinny Minnie needs some much needed rest! I can’t wait for my semi-break (4 days off). I plan on getting a lot done and returning/exchanging things that have been in my closet for months!

Enjoy your Thursday!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    At least today is your Friday 🙂 OTHERS?? I had no idea there was a box in the messages called others lol that is just strange. Hope you have a great day 🙂

    1. Katie

      Yep! I couldn’t believe all the stuff that collected in there! People probably thought I was rude!

  2. Not What I Expected | Skinny Minnie Moves

    […] if you did my 100 pushup challenge you will find out the next day your abs are EXTREMELY sore. Holy cow! I guess I never realized […]

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