Friday Flu

Hello there.

Thank goodness you are reading this via the web and I’m not telling you in person…

The flu got me.


Well, I’m being told it’s coincidence. You see my work made me get the flu shot and within 24 hours I felt like death. Fast forward another 12-14 and I couldn’t lift my head off my pillow. I must have the worst immune system around! I’m always sick šŸ™

Wednesday I had slept a good 20-22 hours that day. I had zero energy. The next day someone actually said to me “wow you are so lucky. I wish I could sleep like that”


I will gladly give you my flu… Please take it from me!

Anyway now that I vented… Obviously I haven’t been up to much. Friends Marathons, A lot of chair sitting, Instagram stalking (a lot more than I’m willing to admit #npcbikini anyone? Yeah if you ever hashtagged that chances are I liked it this week).


I also stalked every ocb bikini competitor. Sorry guys I did šŸ˜‰ I was just trying to get an idea of who I will see competing this weekend at the Yorton Cup in DC. This is basically a national level competition for natural bodybuilders. I’m pretty excited to see the show and look at what it takes to be at that level. I plan on bringing my good camera for a little research! Hopefully my body will behave and I won’t be too fatigued to make it through the show.

On Thursday afternoon I finally regained some strength and decided it was a good idea to cook a lot of food. I’m not sure why I thought I needed to do this, my fridge is currently overflowing with veggies, smoked chicken breast from my dad, and prepped meals from this week I didn’t eat since I was sick. If I showed you my fridge right now you would be horrified. It’s enough to feed a family of 8.

So what did I make?

This dish I’m calling a southwest bowl:



It has rice in it! I haven’t had rice in over a year. (Recipe soon)

And then this skinny chicken noodle soup:


Excuse my language… But it SUCKED.

YEP. All day I let it simmer and what do I get? Soup that tastes like wallpaper water. It definitely didn’t taste like G-Mama’s homemade chicken noodle soup. Man that stuff was good.


And no mom, that’s not a hint for you to make it for me. I couldn’t fathom the thought of soup after this disaster.

I did save it though. I figured maybe Phoebe could eat the carrots and chicken!

I do have to say I can’t wait to be healthy again. I never take my health for granted at all! Phoebe went a little stir crazy the first two days and thought Mommy being home was her play time. She thought wrong. The following day she was much better. I don’t know what I would do without my puffball by my side šŸ™‚

IMG_9738.JPG IMG_9742.JPG

She loves to watch the planes and birdies šŸ™‚

Hoping this weekend I can actually leave the apartment as planned. Go away flu! No one wants you here!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Hope you start feeling better!! Being sick just sucks! And yum! That rice concoction looks good!

  2. Annette

    Get well soon! The flu is no fun.

  3. Lisa @ Life as Lisa Knows It

    Feel better!!! šŸ™‚

    PS – your southwest bowl looks DELICIOUS!!

  4. tam

    awww no, hope you feel better soon!! Flu is the worse šŸ™

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