Fuel My Fire

Oh Monday… I am not happy to see you again! I was having serious issues last night while doing my “Sunday chores” which includes cooking for my blog, meal prepping for the week, and packing my bags for work and the gym. Does anyone else shed a little tear? Okay well maybe I didn’t cry, but I come pretty darn close! Freedom is so fun ๐Ÿ™‚

I went to the store early in the morning to pick up a few essential things. Well of course I ended up buying things that weren’t essentials. I’ve realized I definitely have an addiction to grocery shopping. I just LOVE it. And I spend as much as a family of 8, it’s starting to get a little ridiculous! I can only freeze so much food. I did pick these up though because I thought they were so cool! I can’t wait to try them in recipes!

I won't use these just for frosting. It'll be sprinkled in all kinds of things! Excited to try the cotton candy
I won’t use these just for frosting. They’ll be sprinkled in all kinds of things! Excited to try the cotton candy

I hit the gym around noon yesterday so I would have the rest of the afternoon off and make it home in time for the Oscar Red Carpet Pre-Show (Naomi Watts by far my favorite dress! Beautiful. I am a sucker for sparkle and structure!)

Leg day was pretty intense but it was one of those days where I loved every second of it. I felt determined, I felt strong, and I felt like I could take that whole gym on! I think it was because I’ve been dealing with some negative comments here and there. I knew when I started this blog it wouldn’t be all positive things, I accepted that. If you want to go out of your way to knock me just for the fun of it, go right ahead, it only fuels my fire in the gym!

The Many Looks of Minnie in one gym leg session!
The Many Looks of Minnie in one gym leg session!

I started with 10 minutes of ab work and warm up squats. My ab work was mostly planks and bosu work:

  1. One minute plank on forearms with toe rocks (rocking forward motion on toes x 10)
  2. Side planks balancing on one leg with top leg knee crunch x 10 then leg lifts x 10, hold on one leg for the remainder of the 1 minute (BOTH SIDES!)
  3. One minute plank on palms, 30 seconds in go down to forearms
  4. Bosu bicycle crunches, 20 reps x 2 sets
  5. Bosu crunches, 20 reps x 2 sets
  6. Warmup squats on bosu dome, 15 reps x 2 sets

Then I hit the stairmaster for 22 minutes, and back to the leg routine I went!

Here my friends is WHY WE LIFT HEAVY! This little Squat Routine on the Smith Machineย burned 160 calories! It probably took me 15 minutes. That’s a lot for strength training work! So no, you don’t have to spend forever on that elliptical. Start doing squats!

  • Regular squats with 50 added pounds, 12 reps x 2 sets, then narrow squats, 12 reps x 2 sets
  • Plie squats with 60 added pounds, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Lunges with 20 extra pounds, 12 reps x 4 sets each leg
  • Deep squats with 20 extra pounds, 12 reps x 4 sets

I like doing the deep squats in between the lunges (after you do both legs), then alternating back to the lunges. I’ve also found that lunges are 100% better for me using the Smith Machine. It helps with the assisted weight, plus FORCES you to have proper form while doing a lunge. Definitely a bonus! So try them out! Plus 160 calories! DO IT!

You will sweat, I looked gross! Who cares?
You will sweat, I looked gross! Who cares?

I then moved onto a little elliptical and back to legs I went!

  • Calf presses using leg press machine, 170 lbs, 12 reps x 2 sets, then 180 lbs, 12 reps x 2 sets
  • Alternating side squats with 40 and 50 lb bar, 16 reps x 4 sets (2 sets with each weight on shoulders)
  • Leg extensions, 85 lbs, 12 reps x 1 set, 95 lbs, 12 reps x 2 sets, then 100 lbs, 12 reps x 1 set
  • Curtsy Lunges, 12 reps x 3 sets each leg
  • Around the world squats (jumping squats in a cross like motion- you hit 4 points, forward, side, back, side, until back to the front), 2 sets
  • Jack squats (jumping jacks with a squat down low), 10 reps x 2 sets
  • Burpees, 10 reps x 2 sets

Gotta love burpees! Yowza ๐Ÿ™‚

Calorie burn. This is a lot for my frame! I was there 2 hours, I always leave my watch on longer

Leg day calorie burn
Leg day calorie burn

I went back to G-Mama’s to pick up my munchkin. Sometimes I forget how tiny she is! Her profile shows just how little her face is

Tiny little nose
Tiny little nose

She was hopping because she wanted my snacks! V for vanilla almond milk? Okay stretching again! The end of the alphabet is limited!

Post Gym snacks! I didn't eat all the almond butter, just half
Post Gym snacks! I didn’t eat all the almond butter, just half
Sticker says it all
Sticker says it all

At home I meal prepped while watching the pre show.

It's that time of the week again!
It’s that time of the week again! Sugar snap peas bought today at BJs. Okay 2 shopping trips in one day…. I need help!

I also made a new appetizer. Cherry Balsamic Turkey Meatballs

Skinny Minnie Meatballs- 156 calories per serving (4 meatballs)
Skinny Minnie Meatballs- 156 calories per serving (4 meatballs)

These went in the slow cooker because I had so much to do and didn’t want to have to watch them

Back to work I go. Usually once Tuesday rolls around I’m fine. It’s just starting the week out that is rough. I love my weekends, but I also love my job and my routines/schedules. So I guess if every day were a weekend I’d go insane!

Make it through this Monday!

XOXO WIth a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    people are kind of crazy, there is nothing to bash about you lifting weights or how you look. you look fit and lean. not bulky or huge. there are most likely insecure about themselves and i hope they feel better soon. totally agree with mondays lol they are the hardest, i would totally rather lay in bed til at least 7 then get up at 4:30 any day.

    1. Katie

      I guess people are bored? I try not to let it bother me. When I do I just think about all the positive comments I’ve received and how many people I’m reaching through my blog ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Christopher

    I just noticed the mention of negative comment and wanted to encourage you to keep up the hardwork of your blog. As odd as it sounds, you are read as far away as Southeast Asia. Long story on how I came to your blog, but I currently work in Cambodia. (As an aside, I’m not Asian.) Anyway, I like your recipes. They give me good ideas here, mainly because I can’t cook the exotic foods. Your workouts are great too, so don’t let the nay-sayers discourage. You’re doing great! Cheers, C.

    1. Katie

      Thank you so much Christopher! I don’t let it discourage me at all, if anything it makes me work harder! I wish I was one of those people who could blow it off, but we are all human and words stick with us sometimes. I prefer focusing on the positive instead and I’ve received much more of that than negative ๐Ÿ™‚

      It’s always nice to hear I have readers everywhere, and I’d like to know how you did find me! Most of the time it’s random googling

  3. Rebecca

    I love your watch!! What brand is it and where can I get one?:)

    1. Katie

      It’s a polar ft60. Amazon!

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