Tuesday Triceps

Good Morning, happy half way through the week 🙂

My Tuesday wasn’t so bad, I think it’s the positive vibes I’m sending out into the universe. Does anyone remember when that book “The Secret” was popular? The thought was if you want something to happen it will. If I want something to happen I just work hard for it, but a little positive thinking does help! I think because you’re just happy and motivated more to get it done, but hey whatever works 🙂

My pre-gym snack included rice cakes. If you are craving white cheddar popcorn I have the solution for you right here!



These are buttered popcorn flavored rice cakes. I paired them with laughing cow cheese wedges in the white cheddar flavor. It tastes just like white cheddar popcorn, but a healthier version. I had 2 of each and they roll in at 140 calories (35 calories for each rice cake, 35 for each cheese). Carb fix, cheese fix, and crunch fix satisfied 🙂

During the afternoon I decided it was time for a little gym change of scenery. My normal gym is close to my parents house, so I always go there, but there’s another one closer to my work that I belonged to before I made the switch. Normally, I hate change, but sometimes even switching minor things like environment can change a workout for you. Plus the drive in was beautiful. The sun was setting and the colors were magnificent.


I’m stopped… see the red light!?

When I got there the parking lot was packed! Inside, even MORE packed. Luckily this gym is about 4 times the size of my other one, but twice as crowded. I did notice the female lifting crowd was missing, minus the few bodybuilding gals. Holy moly.

I made it a triceps day. I’m not really a fan of this day in particular, but I do it. Triceps are so hard to achieve and it’s frustrating! Well I think it might have been because it was like an all new gym to me because I went into mega beast mode for a work day! I really felt the burn on my lifts. One of my exercises I did to failure. I’ve never done this before, but WOW does it burn and get your heart rate going. I will be incorporating these into my lifts more often.

And of course with the new gym comes a bathroom selfie, well just because 😉


Here was my workout:

  • 17 minutes on the stair master
  • Hack squats with 30 lb bar, followed by tricep pushbacks with bar (bar is behind your bum), 10 reps x 4 sets total
  • Tricep kickbacks, 15 lb weights, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Assisted tricep dips, 10 reps x 3 sets
  • Tricep cable pushdowns, 50 lbs, 10 reps x 4 sets
  • 17 minutes on the treadmill. 1 minute run, 1 minute speed walk- repeat 5 times, then an incline speed walk for the remainder 
  • Overhead tricep extensions, 12 lb weights, 10 reps x 4 sets each arm
  • Oblique squeeze (elbow to knee), standing, holding 12 lb weights, 10 reps x 2 sets each side
  • Pushups on bosu, 10 reps x 4 sets


Then came my failure sets.

  • Skull crushers, 30 lb bar, first set to failure, I did 37 reps!
  • Ribcage press, 30 lb bar, 15 reps followed by a ribcage press INTO a skull crusher x 5 reps (man this hurts!)
  • Skull crushers, 30 lb bar, to failure- arms were tired, they only made it to 25
  • Repeat the ribcage press and then ribcage with the skull crusher

And I was DONE!

At home I made dinner and then wanted to round off my calories so I made a fluff. I didn’t want to carb load with a banana so I looked in the freezer and staring back at me was that dreaded Arctic Zero I bought. If you’ve never heard of Arctic Zero, let me show you a picture


I know what you’re thinking. How is a pint of ice cream ONLY 150 calories? Well folks, because it tastes like wall paper glue. No actually, it tastes like if you FROZE the water you used from wall papering with the glue residue in it.

Okay so maybe I am exaggerating a little bit…

On it’s own it’s absolutely terrible. It’s pretty much unsweetened milk ice. BUT, as I scooped a few spoonfuls of it into my Vitamix with my whey protein, unsweetened coconut milk, and ice cubes, I crossed my fingers hoping for the best!


Ta-da! FLUFF! Notice some ears poking out behind 😉

It worked quite well. It gave the fluff a consistency that I was looking for without giving me the extra night carbs. Tasted like my normal fluff too. Win! So if you have some of this stuff lurking in your freezer, put it to good use.

Speaking of fluff… Later, Phoebe received a rub or two.


And I end today with a fun little transformation. Nope, not me. Yesterday I posted this gem on my Instagram account for “Transformation Tuesday”. It’s Phoebs!


Wow she has changed so much. The picture on the left was the worst part of her puppy fuzz “blow out”. Mommy was a little scared she’d never get a full coat, but I would love her regardless. Turns out, she has the most beautiful coat on any pom I’ve ever seen! What a stunner. This picture was to make her Pop Pop laugh again. 🙂

That’s it for Wednesday. Let’s get over the hump!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    I almost bought that ice cream on Monday, but then chickened out because I wasn’t sure about the ingredients and if some of them were chemicals, I was assuming yes since I don’t bake with them regularly haha, maybe I’ll get some thought just to make my protein shakes more interesting, a little won’t hurt right ;). Love the transformation picture, I’ve never had a little dog just melt my heart so much :). Have a great Hump Day, Hooray it’s Wednesday!!!

    1. Katie

      Haha she melts many hearts! And actually arctic zero is natural! There are no added chemicals, at least in the cookies and cream one I bought. Hence why it tastes like glue lol. If there was added stuff it would taste better probably lol

  2. Anesa

    how may calories do you have in a day

    1. Katie

      I don’t count exactly, but I know my numbers. If I am being strict- usually around 1600. But I go up to 2,000.

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