A Day at the Spa

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday 🙂

In case you missed it, yesterday I announced I am competing in my first natural bikini competition! I am officially 9 weeks out… well a little less than 9 weeks. My show date is April 12th!

This weekend was super busy for me with posing, meal prepping, gym time, etc. On Saturday I made time with my girlfriends to hit a FABULOUS spa. I’m talking 5 star celebrity type of spa. I wanted to reward myself for 4 weeks of hard work so a massage was very needed. And since it was so fancy schmancy, I needed to look the part!


Nothing says glamour like red lips! People are always amazed at how I look with makeup which makes me giggle a bit because in college I wouldn’t go ANYWHERE without a full face.  Now I show a blog to the world with lines, dark circles, and uneven skin tone. Oh how people change!


It was expensive, but you get what you pay for! This place was so fancy, with robes, slippers, neck warmers, and a tranquility room loaded with couches, blankets, lemon water and nice dim lights.

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I had a signature massage with hot aromatherapy stones. I’ve never had stones before but I will never have a massage without them now. They feel better than hands! Especially since I carry so much tension in my upper back and shoulders. My masseuse focused on those areas and underneath my arms since I do a lot of pushups. WOW did that feel amazing! I literally was drooling at one point.


I was worried going into this that my mind wouldn’t be able to relax for an hour, but an hour FLEW by and I just sunk into the table. If I had unlimited money I’d be going once a week!

Especially since on Monday morning I was rounding seeing patients and going up and down steps and my body felt so good! Usually I am so stiff and have a hard time first thing in the morning going up and down steps. The cold makes it worse. My body felt relaxed and loose even 2 days later. SPOILED! 😀

Tiffany also had necklaces made for us with our little team name. We call ourselves team dontcha! If you follow me on instagram you will see I often hashtag dontcha or teamdontcha 🙂 This necklace is so sweet, thoughtful, and adorable.


It was super hard leaving the salon. I felt so relaxed I didn’t want to drive, but I had to hit Wegmans to stock up for meal prep. Now I completely understand why Phoebe wants me to rub her all the time. Feels so good. Seriously folks, when I stop rubbing her or”puppy massage” she takes her paw and lifts my hand up, or nudges me with her nose.


But look how cute she is!


“No pictures please, I need my beauty sleep”

And typical Phoebs taking after her mother, looking at herself 😉


To end today I want to thank EVERYONE out there who has said positive things about my decision to compete! I was so scared announcing it and prepared myself for complete judgment, but I’m so happy I have great readers and followers supporting my journey! I need all the support I can get 🙂

Tomorrow I will feature some of my nutrition I’ve been focusing on during this prep, so stay tuned.

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Yay!! I can’t wait to read tomorrow’s!! We’re here for you girl :). Omg haha when I saw that picture of phoebe looking at herself in the mirror I laughed. My cat is the same way, she has picked up on too many of my habits. My boyfriend calls her my mini me, I call her my shadow. And yay for massages!! I’ve never had one, but I can image how good they feel! I’ve been wanting one forever. Maybe get one every other week, maybe that would help??

  2. liz

    HA! So funny, I was at RA this past Saturday too– it’s THE best. I could live in the tranquil room.

  3. Kate @ Coffee with Kate

    Ahhh, awesome! Keep us posted on your meal plans for competition! Are you doing any work with a coach or nutritionist?

  4. ariel

    i have been craving a spa day like no other!! so glad you got to slow things down a bit for a few hours and just lap up the pampering 🙂

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