A Quick Workout Post

Hello there and Happy THURSDAY!

Thank goodness. I tell you I have had an insanely busy week at work and I cannot wait until the clock strikes 4:30pm.

I do not have much time to update today since my body is a bit run down, but I wanted to post some quick workout related things since it was a request. I know I haven’t been posting specifics lately, but I felt like I bored you guys with those, guess not?

Tuesday I did chest because I attempted biceps and it was not happening after my doc crunched me every which way. It takes back effort to do a curl and I was a hurtin’.

So to even out my strong back I decided I need to incorporate chest back into it. A lot of women tend not to do chest day and it’s an awful idea. You need to compliment your muscles. If you work very hard on your upper back and shoulders but never do chest, those muscles underneath will weaken, forcing a hump back later on in life. We definitely DO NOT want that right? The body needs balance. You don’t have to do a lot, just enough to strengthen the muscles. Even if you cannot commit a whole day to it, just incorporate some exercises into your lifts when you can and it will help! Here is what I did:

  • Chest presses on seated machine, 55-65 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Chest Flys, 15 lb weights, 10 reps x 3 sets
  • Pec Fly’s/Presses on machine, 35 lbs, 10 reps x 3 sets
  • Pushups on bench, 10 reps x 4 sets

I also did some abs that day as the doctor ordered.

  • Sun Salutations, with a 15 second plank hold and a pushup (to work the chest more). 3 reps
  • Side bends, 20 lb weight, 12 reps x 2 sets each side

Then I grabbed this little mama


I placed it on my low back and did sit ups. It completely changes the way you do abs because you are getting a larger range of motion. I did 45 and it felt like I did 300 crunches!

I like to cross my ankles and then bring my arms above my head and do the sit up that way.

After those, I balanced on it and did 10 pulses up for 3 sets. Very difficult to do!

A good stretch and I was out in a little over an hour. I can only take so much when it is super crowded.


Hopefully I will have some more ab exercises for you guys coming soon! I have a lot of work to do on them šŸ™‚


XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    I love when I work new muscle areas! It doesn’t take too much to make it sore. Like on Wednesday, I incorporated some chest press and flies into mine, only used 3 lb dumbbell, but I’m still sore today! I will definitely continue to do it!!

    1. Katie

      yes I was incredibly sore

  2. tam

    Thanks for the post! I can definitely tell the next day when I have done different exercises. I think its good to change it up a bit, keeps it interesting too. I need to start using the Bosu ball more when doing ab exercises to find different ways of working those muscles. Have great weekend! xx

    1. Katie

      oh yes the Bosu KILLS! Get it girl šŸ™‚

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