All Grown Up and 1 Week Changes

Good Morning šŸ™‚

Remember my huge concerns about leaving Miss Buffay alone all day? Well she did GREAT! Besides the little 5:30am mishap, she slid out and followed me out the door… I can’t relive it by retelling the whole story, but I screamed and probably woke up the neighborhood because I panicked. Thank God I double checked.

Anyway when I came home she greeted me at the door! Nothing was messed up. No puppy accidents, and she wasn’t a complete spazz like normal. I guess being penned up in a small bathroom all those months made her crazy. Can’t blame her. My little girl is all grown up! She did have some toys out in the kitchen, but nothing major. At least she kept herself busy

toys and treats
toys and treats

Work wasn’t bad, not too much to say. I had a little OR time, then caught up on other work. I was so happy when it was time to leave to go back to apartment heaven.

Meal 1 included FRUIT! Yay sweet plums. My coaches swapped out another carb for my fruit due to my little cravings.

Plums my fav!
Plums my fav!

I don’t snap all my meals because sometimes I just grab something from my bag, it’s rare I sit down. But here was meal 3

Really this looks like a ton of food I know, but after I was finished I was thinking hmmmm I'm hungry..
Really this looks like a ton of food I know, but after I was finished I was thinking hmmmm I’m hungry..

I counted down the minutes till 430 because I couldn’t wait to go home and walk my girl. We just love our walks and at night she is WIPED. Usually she paces the bed for a while but she falls asleep before I do now šŸ™‚

Everyone in the lobby and some neighbors we have seen all make over Phoebe. They just gush over how cute she is. Is it getting old? Absolutely not! I eat it up and so does Phoebs. The only thing is everyone knows Phoebes name but not a single person knows mine!

In the elevator for our walk
In the elevator for our walk

And we’re walking…

little girl, long walk
little girl, long walk

We actually went on two walks! The first one was just a I’m home walk, let’s go potty. The second one was after my workout and we went pretty far! She loves it. Plus there were so many people out biking, jogging, and walking their dogs. Phoebe goes up to everyone. She especially loves the big dogs and doesn’t understand why they don’t want to play with her.

My workout yesterday was a little over an hour. Biceps and Back work. Followed by cardio treadmill work. I do sprints. Phew hard stuff! My veins were really pumping too.

Veins a pumpin!
Veins a pumpin!

Since the sun was setting the light was weird in the gym, sorry the pics are not that great.

I need more muscle!
I need more muscle!

So my coaches are definitely feeding me more. I had concerns about it being too much, but they want me to put on weight which will help me grow muscle. Then as I get further into this prep they will lean me down. I guess that’s the way it works…. listening to the pros! More food in my future. You’re welcome MOM!

I thought I’d end with sharing my one week progress picture. Minor changes, but every day makes a difference! The picture on the left is me before the prep started, the picture on the right was yesterday morning. Legs are a tad less lumpy, abdomen flattening, feeling refreshed and tight!

1 week difference
1 week difference

So excited to keep going. Each day I think can I do this? And then I look at what 1 week did for me and I say HECK NO, I’M NOT QUITTING! So I guess you could say I’m my own motivation. Progress pictures are a great way to motivate yourself! So if you get in a rut and think about quitting look at changes you’ve already made and keep pushing. It’ll be worth it šŸ™‚

Have a wonderful day, going back to my real gym today!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Caitlin

    Your blog is probably the only one that I visit daily without fail! I am at my desk at work as I write this šŸ™‚ I just wanted to tell you how much you inspire and motivate me! Keeping working hard, it’s definitely paying off xx

    1. Katie

      This made my day! Thanks Caitlin

  2. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    It’s great you found a way to tire Phoebe out, now you can get some sleep šŸ™‚ That’s crazy! You wouldn’t think you would see such a difference in 1 week, it’s awesome! Keep up the work!!

    1. Katie

      Yeah 1 week definitely made a difference, I didn’t think it would at all

  3. Erika

    I just love your blog. Even if I’m busy, busy, busy, I always make time to read this. You look amazing! Thanks for being so inspirational. Keep up the great work!

    1. Katie

      Thanks Erika! Means a lot:)

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