Back to Heavy

Hello everyone!

Back to work I go… groan… and back to heavy lifting! No groans on that part. It was nice to do a week of high reps, but I feel like a little monster when I lift the heavy stuff. It feels good 🙂

It was a chest day and of course some cardio because I do cardio every day now as show day gets closer. The first few days of regular cardio were torture, I hated it, but now I feel like my old self again. On Saturday I went to Mary’s gym and we did it together. Time goes by so much faster when you have someone to chat with!

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Back to chest, I’m finally seeing some changes there, or what they call “the chest split”. It also gives the illusion of cleavage, something I’ve always lacked, let’s face it folks, it’s true. The chest split makes the bikini look even better, so I’m all about it 🙂

My muscles have been pretty sore lately, so I even indulged a bit and took a bath. Anyone that knows me is well aware I HATE BATHS. I don’t get them… maybe it’s because I’m not a relaxed kind of person? Not sure. I just cannot sit there. Well this time I did and it didn’t last long because Phoebe kept crying and jumping at the tub. I know she didn’t want to get in, she just wanted Mommy to GET OUT!

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So far so good with Phoebes medications and new diet. I’m a mean Mommy, but I took away all her treats. Her stomach needed a “chill period” and she’s doing much better.

Speaking of new diets, I whipped together a new soup recipe for prep. This is Cheesy Spinach Soup and it only has 52 calories per cup! It’s a little spin on Broccoli Cheese Soup, but super creamy, low in fat, and nutritious!


Recipe after the JUMP!

I’m hoping the rest of this week goes fast, holiday is Monday! You have to love those long weekends 🙂

Have a great one.

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Hahaha I’m the same way! I’m always being told to take a bath to soothe my sore muscles, but I refuse because I last maybe 5 minutes top, before I get bored. I’m not very good at relaxing. And yay for heavy! I’ve weeks where I go light, and for me, I’m just never sore! So I start to miss the heavy weights. How much longer do you have before the show. I feel like it’s coming up, I’m getting so excited for you!!! Have a great Tuesday 🙂

  2. tam

    I agree with heavy weights, I usually only do light weights when heavy weights aren’t an option (traveling etc). I do bodyweight moves sometimes inbetween days of heavy as a form of cardio but that’s it. I can usually always feel my muscle the next day, I just make sure I stretch out on a yoga mat! All the best 🙂

  3. Sarah

    BOOTY POPPIN! love it!!

  4. Tamara

    Regarding baths, all I can say is I’ve discovered Epsom Salts. Total game changer. I’m not one for baths either, but if you google the benefits of epsom salt baths, you may find that you use them as part of your training. Great for sore or tight muscles. I’m thinking leg day would be a good time to use an epsom salt bath for some recovery and serious magnesium absorption.

  5. Tamara

    PS Are you on Pinterest?

    1. Katie

      Yes Ma’am! Skinnyminniemoves

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