Beach Day On Point
Hi everyone!
I’m back from the weekend and I am finally recovering from the cold I had. Well the cough still lingers a bit…
Anyway on Friday Tony and I went to the beach with our gym friends. I called it “Bodybuilder Beach Day”. If you follow me on snap chat: katiekoblinsky <—— (username), you may have seen a lot of these! A big shout out to G-Mama and Pop Pop for taking care of my fluff ball so I could have a nice day with my friends. There’s never any worries when Phoebe is with them!
So we packed up our things and drove down “the ocean hon”—Baltimore talk.
Which way is the gym?
It’s about a 2 and a half hour drive from where I live. Not bad at all! Our friend Hannah followed us down and then we met our friends Steve and Brit down at the gym!
First stop of course. All 5 of us compete so it was really nice being able to get in a workout before enjoying the day. We all wanted that, no one whined or thought of it as a chore, it was more a “must do”. Plus Tony and I love trying different gyms when we go places!
And then a little posing, because that’s what we do.
Now just the bikini girls!
Don’t forget the guys 😉
As you all know Tony does bodybuilding, Steve is a physique guy (hence the pose).
Hannah and I have become super close lately. She basically is the blonde version of me. Smart, sarcastic, and a hard worker. I like it!
And you know this guy. Can I get an “awwww”?
New gym wouldn’t be complete without a skinny minnie selfie.
And a group shot!
After the gym we ate. Everyone brought their meals of course, and well… a lot of bags. This was probably half.
Finally time to hit the town!
We made it! THE BEACH!
Okay, so I’m not one of those people who can lay on a beach all day. In fact, I got in the water up to my waist. I like the water, I just didn’t want salty hair all day. The guys got in and so did Hannah. Really, we only stayed there for maybe 30 minutes before hitting the boardwalk again. I like to walk!
What a perfect picture. Not a soul in sight, AND the water actually looks pretty, not dirty like it sometimes looks down there.
Yes, I realize his arm is the size of my leg. He really has come a LONG way. I watch him lift heavy and eat big. The man was eating over 6,000 calories. Let’s all just be a little jealous for a second. Although it wasn’t 6,000 calories of whatever he wanted. Chicken, rice, potatoes, red meat. The boring stuff.
After the beach we hit a pool bar for a little bit.
Gotta preserve that skin! I was all about the SPF even though I did burn some on my forehead and nose.
Only Tony…
We finished up our day with dinner and more Boardwalk time. I had to hit my favorite place, Candy Kitchen.
Yes, that’s a white chocolate covered birthday cake Oreo. Sprinkles galore!
And I got these for the girls!
And some snickety snacks.
The best Popcorn down OC!
Tony rounded off his day with….
You read that right. It’s a fried peanut butter and jelly. Sounds gross, right? It basically was a funnel cake mixed with a PB & J. I did have a bite and yeah, it was good. As the guys would say “It was ON POINT”. I make fun of them for using that phrase way too much.
We said goodnight to the beach and goodbye to our friends and headed home. I made some awesome memories that day and had a lot of laughs. Including Tony flexing for an 80 year old woman to get us out of a $72 parking ticket. Yeah, that’s my man 😉
Until next time OC!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
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