Blog Direction

Hi everyone!

Lately I’ve been a little torn about the direction of my blog. Of course this started as a fitness blog, how I lost the weight, what I ate, etc. It has come A LONG way since then, considering I started as a vegetarian, didn’t care about the difference of a calorie of carb from a calorie of fat, and would use fat free this and that. I’m talking the first 3-6 months of my blog.

Hey we all have to learn somehow right? Why not make my mistakes public? 😉

Not saying they were awful mistakes, but I think I was just a product of the 90’s fat shaming where people thought anything with fat was a bad thing and would load products with sodium, sugar, and carbs to make up for it. Glad I figured that out huh?

If you remember way back when, OR maybe you are just hearing this for the first time, I would do a recipe every day. Yes, I do miss that, but it’s not as manageable with my schedule and life now, and certainly not manageable on prep. Although, I have been a creative monster in the kitchen these past few days working with JUST the list of ingredients I have for prep and creating new things out of them. I guess I was inspired by my favorite show, Big Brother and the fact those kids do NOTHING with that glorious bucket of ground oats and whey that they are given when they cannot eat anything else but that and condiments. It drives me insane. I’d be making pancakes, breads with frostings, muffins, waffles, fried tots. Anyway, yes CBS this is my public plea to PLEASE put me on that show next year. 

But back to the point. I’ve talked to G-Mama several times about my blog. I feel like sometimes I’ve lost why I started it. I will throw in fitness here and there, but mostly I end up talking about my life and what I did. Turns out you guys like that stuff, as my vacations and bikini shows are my bigger blog hits. Whether you are included in this group or not, I think those kind of posts will not be going away, but I am ready to commit myself back to what this blog is all about.

Also Phoebe has been in the background lately since Tony has come around. I promise to include her more 😉


Anyway, this weekend I’ll be back to working on the fun stuff. Including a video! I’ve made a few in the past, and I LOVED it, but it’s super time consuming. Luckily, Tony and I don’t have any major plans so I will have time to edit and work on it. He might even make a special appearance 🙂

Even when life gets really hectic down the road I don’t ever think I’ll stop blogging, or documenting my journey and life. It’s become a part of who I am. Thanks to each and every one of you who read me 🙂

I’ll see you tomorrow with some fitness things.

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,



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  1. Catherine

    ::sigh of relief:: I had a mini anxiety attack when I read the title and thought “oh no! She can’t leave blogging!” Thankfully, that isn’t the case and I’ve calmed down 😉 Your everyday readers are the ones who love hearing all about whatever it is you’re doing, even if it doesn’t sound that interesting on the surface. It’s fun to watch how others change ideas, create new ones, and evolve over time. Love this blog!!!

    1. Katie

      This is SO sweet. Thank you so much! Nope, not going anywhere 🙂

  2. Amy

    OMG I thought you were shutting down the blog and almost cried. You are a true inspiration and I love reading your stuff.

    1. Katie

      Nope! LOL sorry to scare ya. XOXO

  3. ariel

    oh gosh. i was thinking the same thing. i was prepared to plead with you not to leave the blogging world. so glad you’re sticking around! i miss your recipes and can’t wait to see what you come up with in the future. 🙂

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