Finally Friday

It’s finally Friday huh? Well I can’t be my normal woo hoo Friday self because I ended up being off yesterday.

My morning had started with a MAJOR FAIL. I went to make a fluff and had a big bag of frozen banana chopped up. Well since I wanted only a few chunks the moron in me said oh let me use this steak knife to separate the pieces.

I missed.

The steak knife went through my middle finger, stopped because I heard a clunk and it hit bone, and I screamed a few words that are not blog friendly 😉

I know. No common sense, book smart. And extremely clumsy.

It didn’t bleed too much because it was a puncture wound, but it is right at the joint in the middle of my finger, so that baby turned purple, throbbed all day, and got extremely swollen. I knew there was nothing the ER could do besides tell me to ice it, take Motrin, and keep it elevated, so I just put a bandage on it and went on with my life. PHEW that mama hurts. And since it is at the joint, lifting is questionable! ACK! My grip in my whole left hand is not good. Why do I have to be such a klutz!?

After I got myself IN CHECK, maintenance came to do some things and Phoebe was a complete angel. She just kept walking around as if she was saying “look how cute I am!”


When they left, they said “Bye Phoebs!” Everyone LOVES Phoebe.

We changed for the gym for a glute day since I couldn’t lift much, and hey look here, she didn’t photo bomb!


Wait for it….



I decided to wear mu lulu shirt like it’s supposed to be worn too! Low over the hips. I usually keep it scrunched up, but I like it this way 🙂


When I got to the gym I thought hmmmm I’m so not feeling the cardio today, since it was mid afternoon, the aerobics studio was empty and I took advantage of it. I grabbed a step and decided on short interval work and glute exercises. My SHORT workout turned into the most intense 55 minutes of my life. I’m not kidding, by the end I thought I was going to throw up, I was a tad dizzy, and exhausted. THAT’S A WORKOUT!



 Red faced, and beat!

So what did I do exactly? Well I alternated between an interval exercise (example: high knees) and then a glute strength training exercise (example: Low squats). I did 4 rounds of each set for about 10-15 reps with barely any breaks. I took 10 seconds if I needed it between reps, and a minute in between large sets. I wrote them all down when I was finished because I’m HOPING to make it into a video one day and upload to YouTube. All you will need is some kind of step (really you could use the floor), some weights, a mat, and a bar. The main reason I haven’t done videos on YouTube yet is because, well time, and you can’t have music because everything is copyrighted. A workout without music? BORING! So if anyone knows someone willing to let me use their music, or knows someone that can help me with that portion I’d be ecstatic!

After my intense session I had to walk it off. So I did about 20-25 minutes walking on the treadmill at a slight incline. Then a nice long stretch 🙂

At home Phoebe and I made dinner- a salad with a Bison steak and caught up on DVR. Wow is anyone watching American Horror Story: The Coven? Wednesday’s episode was a little intense! Eek!

This is how Phoebe decided she was going to lay on me



It reminds me of when she was a baby!


Aw 🙂

Today I really hope I have the strength to do arms! Not sure my grip is there. But for now, I have to get workin’ on my Halloween costume for Saturday. Phoebe and I are matching! I’m throwing mine together, homemade. Not a fan of store bought that everyone has. Any guesses at what we will be?

Enjoy your Friday!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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One Comment

  1. tam

    hey, I love interval training, I usually mix my cardio into my strength exercises so I don’t get bored. Hope you have a great weekend. Tam XX

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