FitBloggin’ 13 Day 3

Day 3 (Saturday) of FitBloggin’ was BY FAR my favorite day. I woke up at 7am to get up for breakfast at 7:30. I just had to hit that granola again!

Day 3 outfit. Had to coordinate with the shoes
Day 3 outfit. Had to coordinate with the shoes
Egg white frittata (it was really good), fresh fruit, and granola again!
Egg white frittata (it was really good), fresh fruit, and granola again!

After breakfast came a trampoline workout by JumpSport. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was excited because I love to jump on Bella’s trampoline at family events. Here are a few pics of me pre-workout having fun!

Jump Jump
Jump Jump
Look how high I got!
Look how high I got!

The workout was split into 2 different circuits using a partner system. One person did moves on the trampoline while the other person did some pretty intense interval training on the floor. Think burpees, high kicks, squat jumps, jumping jacks. I think my heart rate was the highest while doing the floor work. I wore my Polar heart rate monitor and my maximum heart rate was 185! 

The instructor was hilarious too. He did some crazy moves including some shimmies, body rolls, and pelvic thrusts. While we sweat, we laughed. This made the workout even more fun!

This guy was CRAZY!
This guy was CRAZY!
My trampoline partner :)
My trampoline partner 🙂
I was so dead after this. I am in excellent shape and it was hard for me!
I was so dead after this. I am in excellent shape and it was hard for me!

This one workout I burned 565 calories!  For me this is A LOT. Because I am in great shape and because I am smaller than I once was, it’s hard for me to burn this much in such a short period of time. But man my heart rate was in the 170s for most of the class!

After hydrating and meeting the Laughing Cow…

Me and the laughing cow! Not the best picture...
Me and the laughing cow! Not the best picture…

I finally was able to meet some of my absolute favorite bloggers. These women have inspired me to blog and follow my passion. Julie @ PBFingers, Tina @ Carrots’N’Cake, and Gina @ Fitnessista 

My 3 favorite bloggers: Julie, Tina, and Gina
My 3 favorite bloggers: Julie, Tina, and Gina

We took a few group shots and chatted!

Beautiful bloggers shot
Beautiful bloggers shot. On the left Anne @ Fannetasticfood and on right Heather @ Housewife Glamour

They were all so sweet and wonderful!

Then came Crossfit! I’ve never done crossfit before and have gone back and forth with trying it. Number one, classes can be really expensive, and number two it’s team exercise and I prefer to workout alone. I was up for the challenge though!

cross fit group

We went through a workout of the day (WOD) which included the basics: situps, pushups, and squats. It wasn’t super challenging for me but I still got my calorie burn on

Calories burned with those two workouts! Wow
Calories burned with those two workouts! Wow

The instructor was a pretty nice guy too. Plus ripped!

Flexing post crossfit
Flexing post crossfit, not my best flex, it was more of a pose I guess

After crossfit, the gals invited me to come to Kure with them, a local juice bar.

I wish we had a Kure in Baltimore!
I wish we had a Kure in Baltimore!

I ordered a juice with pineapple, banana, spinach, kale, OJ, ginger, agave, ice, and green superfood powder. It was absolutely delicious!

Juicers- Charissa @ Colourful Palate and Bobbi @ Nhershoes

Juicing gals


Women that have inspired me that I can now call my friends 🙂


I love the juice!
I love the juice! Kasey @ Well Of Health next to me

Another recipe I will try to replicate at home so stay tuned for that one!

After juicing we went SHOPPING!

shopping pro
shopping pro

I couldn’t help myself, I bought a pair of Lululemon shorts. They were on sale though! And super cute.

Lulu, there's no stopping me
Lulu, there’s no stopping me
love these lulu shorts
Love these lulu shorts. Feminine but sporty.

We also went to the huge Saturday Market in Portland. It was so fun seeing all the STUFF. That’s the only way to describe it. Basically it was a huge Flea Market with lots of food trucks involved. Insanely crowded and hot though, so we did a lap or two and hit the road. Here’s what I saw on the way:

Market! This place was PACKED
Market! This place was PACKED
Keep Portland Weird
Keep Portland Weird

There was a wonderful aroma of cinnamon and fried goodness in the air and I couldn’t help but chuckle at this booth sign


Made me miss phoebs
Made me miss phoebs


Famous VooDoo Doughnuts! I didn’t have any, even if I wanted to splurge doughnuts aren’t my thing, oh and the wait was two hours!

Various food trucks, so cute
Various food trucks, so cute

more food trucks

By the time we made it out of the market we were STARVING. Bobbi suggested a great restaurant called veggie grill, vegan friendly. I ordered a Kale salad.

Best kale salad, remaking at home!
Best kale salad, remaking at home!
lunch friends
lunch friends

Then we headed back for some seminars. Quick wardrobe change again because the black pants were way too hot.

Another wardrobe change please... it was so hot!
Another wardrobe change please… it was so hot!

The afternoon seminars focused on blog building which were extremely helpful! I learned an enormous amount of information, all of which I had no idea before. There were breaks in between and snacks were involved, yay.

laughing cow snack

And more friends 🙂

Kelly and I. Go look at her pics! Quite the journey this lady has had!
Kelly @ CurvyFitGirl and I. Go look at her pics! Quite the journey this lady has had!

Back to my room I went for a shower and another wardrobe change! The evening planned was a huge goodbye that I was looking forward to!

Dress from the boutique!
Dress from the boutique!

Before heading to the get together, I ran across the street into a cute little retro store called Rocket Fizz. It was a candy and soda shop and I could have stayed in there for hours! Check it out:

Coolest store EVER
Coolest store EVER
I had to leave after 45 minutes. I spent forever looking around
I had to leave after 45 minutes. I spent forever looking around
Snooki has her own soda? I put this on my instagram and said it probably tasted like hair spray, stale margaritas and ho hos
Snooki has her own soda? I put this on my instagram and said it probably tasted like hair spray, stale margaritas and ho hos

What I came out with:

My sis is gonna love me. GIANT Pixi stick for Bells
My sis is gonna love me. GIANT Pixi stick for Bells. XOXO mints for me!

The event started with some appetizers. Drinks were involved too but you guys know me, I skipped.

Yum fruit and cheeses!
Yum fruit and cheeses!
fresh tuna. get in my belly!
fresh tuna. get in my belly!

I took plenty of pics to remember the night! It was a blast. Filled with laughter, PLENTY of crazy dancing, and saying goodbye to new friends.

all dolled up!
all dolled up!


The dance party got pretty crazy. I believe at one point I did do “gangham style” on stage.. oh boy. There was plenty of “jump on it” booty shakin’ too! So fun 🙂DSC_3315

dancing friends
Dancing friends. I love this picture because you can see how genuinely happy we all are in it!

I went up to bed at a semi-reasonable hour to get up at 3:30am to catch my morning flight home! I was incredibly sad my trip came to an end, but I had the time of my life. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Tomorrow I’ll round up FitBloggin’ 13 and talk about my trip home and reuniting with my Phoebs!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


P.S. Backflips for 4 day weekends! Love that my holiday falls on a Thursday  

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  1. Brandy

    Love that dress! Great find!

    1. Katie

      Thanks. The belt sold it for me

  2. tam

    Sounds like such a great trip, glad you had fun. I love the sound of the trampoline workout, looks fun! Tam XX

    1. Katie

      It was a blast! Wish I could do it here!

  3. Stacy

    I too love that dress!

  4. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    Your dress is too cute!! I love candy shops like that. You find so many “interesting” products lol.

    1. Katie

      LOL I do! I am always on the hunt for different things.

  5. Beeb

    You go girl! You burned some SERIOUS calories! I really wanted to do the trampoline class but I knew by day 2 that my knees wouldn’t be up to that particular session. I got to try it out in the expo hall at my own pace and it was so fun. 🙂

    1. Katie

      Thanks! Yes I LOVED the trampoline workout. I want to do it at home!

  6. Helen @ What Happened Next...

    I was also going to compliment you on your dress but it looks like everyone beat me to it! Great recap! I didn’t get to try Kure juice but it sounds fab! we make our own at home but I always struggle with interesting combos! It was my first Crossfit WOD too – it’s made me more keen to actually go to a gym and try out a full class now!

    1. Katie

      Ha yeah I wanted to return it because I didn’t like it! But everyone else said it looked good so I went with it. I need to go back to Portland just for Kure!