Flashback Friday

Good Morning everyone! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

Phoebe was super pleased that Santa came! She loves annoying squeaker toys (the rubber ones especially), and Santa delivered 🙂

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Just a prancing…


He did go a little buck wild at G-Mama and Pop Pop’s house….


I did work out on Christmas. I know, you can hate me. Who works out on Christmas morning? I just didn’t want to mess up my routine. Plus I don’t have any little ones. If I had kids I would of course spend the morning with them.


I did some HIIT cardio and biceps. Since biceps are my least favorite day and I don’t take as long, I figured I would save it for Christmas Day this week.


I was at least a little festive in my red tank 🙂

Okay so maybe it’s a Senor Frogs tank from the Bahamas… man was that a good time! Flashback to when I was 24 years old, I had a vacation away from PA school and I went with 2 of my friends on a cruise in December. We left from the Port of Baltimore for 10 whole days. Stops were in Charleston, SC (loved), Key West, FL (loved even more), and to the Bahamas. I really did have the best time and even though I’m not in touch with those friends anymore I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything! Although 10 days was really long to be away from home, by day 7 I was ready to go back to good old Maryland! Here are some pics from that trip.

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Hard to believe this was 5 years ago.


Senor Frogs


The creepers loved me, even back then…

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This part of PA school I didn’t lift by the way. I was a cardio bunny.  Crazy how much my arms have changed. This was also the BEGINNING of PA school, before I put on a bunch of weight.

Anyway, back to Christmas! I did have a nice day with my family. Phoebe and I tried to coordinate and wear matching bows.

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She hated it at first, but then she didn’t mind it. Eventually at my parents house I cut it off because she kept stepping on it and shaking her head. Oh well at least we got a few pictures and some snap chats in!





I did get all of my favorite things including the most useful present…


Quest Bars! BOOM!

So a great holiday! I came home and relaxed, watched Friends with the pup. Felt good to have nothing to do 🙂


And since I’ve been asked a lot, my lip color is by Laura Gellar. “On stage” is the name of it and I get it from Sephora. I sometimes use a Clinique chubby stick on top to make it more glossy, color is “chunky cherry”.

Have an excellent Friday!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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