Girls Getaway

Good Morning my little fit family.

Happy TERRIFIC Tuesday! Yep, let’s keep that one going 🙂

So what did I do this weekend? Well I went to Delaware with two awesome gal pals to see a fitness competition. It was the first time in a while I had on cute acceptable clothing.


I absolutely love these leggings. You can’t tell in the picture, but they are cable knit and so soft! I picked them up at Nordstrom Rack.

The show we went to was an OCB Natural Bodybuilding competition. So the competitors must be drug free. I think this should be the case for ALL competitions, but it’s still a business like anything else.

Luckily it didn’t start until 3pm, so we didn’t have to get up super early to hit the road.

First we stopped for gas and a much needed coffee pick me up. I also picked up a gallon of water. Wow I make the best road trip companion don’t I?


I only had half the coffee and barely any water because I didn’t want to be the annoying person who made us stop every 15 minutes.

We actually arrived very quickly. I thought it was going to be a 2-3 hour drive, but it was only about an hour and 15! That’s nothing. Since we arrived so early we stopped for lunchie munchies. I ordered a spinach salad with shrimp and I brought my own balsamic vinegar for dressing. I figured somewhere along the way we’d stop for food and I’d get a salad, so I was prepared!

And OF COURSE my salad never came. Actually they made it and gave it to someone else in their take out bag. Somewhere my mom and dad are smirking at this because as a kid I was ALWAYS the person who’s meal was left out, forgotten, or something was terribly wrong with it. It seems to have followed me into my adult life.


I did finally get my salad though, and look at the size of these shrimp! Yum.

When we arrived at the show, they started right away with bikini, which was nice. I have to say a lot of the competitors in the entire show were much older than we anticipated. I guess most young people compete in NPC and do things “not natural”. I don’t think that’s the best way to go about acheiving a fitness goal, but your body, your life!


Here we are in our seats, my big head included 😉 You guys remember Tiffany, she does my hair! On the far left is Mary, another awesome hair stylist at the salon and Mommy to two adorable pups. These ladies are a lot of fun 🙂

Here are a few pictures of the competitors:



It seems it was a different level of competition than the shows I saw before. But I really did like that these shows give out cute little bronzed trophies. The bikini ones looked like barbie statues! I really wanted to take one just because. I’m sure they had some left over? 😉

During intermission we snapped a few pics on the red carpet.


Because I’m obnoxious…


And then came back and had a snack watching the awards ceremony.


Mmmm rice cakes with my home made almond butter!

The girls and I had a blast because some of the “routines”, oh yes dancing was involved, were hilarious. And you HAVE to give it to these older gentlemen. It takes a lot of courage to get up there and strut your stuff!


By the time I came home it felt like MIDNIGHT, but it was really 9 o’clock. No worries, Miss Buffay was at G-Mama and Pop Pops so she wasn’t alone all day. But boy oh boy did she MISH Mommy! When I walked in my dad was holding her… spoiled rotten! I think she was super happy to be going home though.

Sunday was a pretty lazy day for me. It’s hard being social sometimes 😉 I did finally get around to giving Phoebe that bath. She looks like a miniature llama when I do it. My niece Bella was my assistant 🙂



She looks scraggly now…But look how pretty and clean!


Head this way…


Head that way…

I rounded out my Sunday with good old meal prepping, which included my first batch of butternut squash soup. After I dodged a disaster that made me sob a little bit (I’d rather not relive it), it came together beautifully. Luscious and creamy with a bit of spice.


I topped with toasted sunflower seeds. A perfect fall soup.

I’m definitely adding it to my cookbook recipes. It’s a keeper 🙂

So that was my weekend. I can’t wait for the next one to come around!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    It’s so good to see people doing it the natural way! I always wonder about all these girls that get just unbelieveable ripped. I mean there probably are some that achieve that without cutting, and without using anything. I just wish more did it that way haha. And I’m the same way, have out doing something social one day, and I’m super tired the next day haha. “miniature llama” hahahaha Oh my gosh, she is adorable for a miniature llama though 🙂 Have a great tuesday!!!

    1. Katie

      know. Unfortunately I know people who don’t do it the natural way and then boost themselves up like crazy saying how awesome they look. Yes it’s hard work regardless, but if you have to sabotage yourself to get there is it worth it?

  2. Jingle Bell Run 2013

    […] voice in my head when I get things for free. When we went to see a fitness competition- you can read that here- she said “I just love STUFF!“, girl we are going to be friends for […]

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