Halfway Home

I cannot believe it. I am officially HALF WAY THROUGH THIS PREP!

Time flies. Although, I did just announce it on my blog at week 9. Sometimes I panic and think oh my goodness so much to do. But like I said yesterday, I look at how far I’ve come and I tell that voice to shut up and keep on soaring!

6 and a half weeks to go! 

I posted this picture on Instagram last night for a little “Transformation Tuesday” action.


On the left I was 10 weeks out. The middle 8 weeks out. The right was 2 days ago, so roughly a little over 6 and a half weeks out.

Progress each day 😀

Last night I had a major glute session at the gym, and I’m sure as you are reading this I am somewhere in the hospital hobbling up and down the steps. Oh the life of a bikini competitor. I have already seen improvements in my glutes since I added a glute day a few weeks back and then added in an extra leg day. Things are starting to look a little perkier! What the judges love. I will post my work out later this week for you guys to do, it was a good one!


And yes I was at the gym with my “creeper shield” as my friend Mary calls it. I have never been able to pull off baseball caps, so I’ve never worn them. Well I am probably going to wear them from here on out because they are an anti-social butterfly’s DREAM! It’s near impossible to make eye contact and I hid under the hat the entire time I was there. Just glorious for Minnie 🙂


I am crunched for time since I have a busy day of work ahead of me today, so I will keep things short.

However I do want to OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE: I am currently writing an E-Book that will be released in late April 2014 (after my show). It’s going to feature 45 clean recipes for bikini prep. Basically all of the things I ate on this prep that were the opposite of plain boring chicken and broccoli. I worked very hard on it while I was off this week and I cannot wait to share it with the world. Even if you are not thinking of competing, it has great recipes to follow. I’ve been eating all these things and look at the progress I have made 🙂



How I feel typing away…

I also have a few chapters on why I decided to compete, understanding macronutrients, and the staples of food preparation for a competition. As of right now, I have an approximate price of $9.99, but it may change. It will be on the cheaper side of things though regardless 🙂

Have a great humpday!


XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Girl all your progress is really making me want to hit some heavy weights (I tend to go back and forth about going heavy, especially with my arms)!! You are doing so good! I may just buy the book for the story haha and the recipes would be a bonus :). I will have to remember the hat trick when I move out. Have a great Wednesday, almost to the weekend :D!

  2. ariel

    creeper shield!! haha such a good tip though! if home were a little closer, and i wasn’t going straight to the gym after work, i’d test out that hat theory tonight lol
    i am in definite need of adding a booty-dedicated workout to my regime. i never thought i could have booty because mine is… well practically non-existent! but your booty progress has swayed me to believe that i might just be able to plump mine up a little.
    can’t wait to hear (and see) more about this book of yours!

  3. Jade

    Kudos for you for creating a essentially great diet to transform your body. I haven’t had the ‘itch’ to do something like this yet but I have had friends that have done it and I have seen pictures of their meals and I don’t know how anyone would ever want to eat that for like 12+ weeks straight! I will be looking forward to the e-book release!

  4. Janessa

    Ooh I am glad you are writing a book! I would love to have your recipes. Awesome progress too.

  5. Kristy

    Yay a clean eats recipe book that isn’t $40.00!!!
    So pumped! Can’t wait. Also, you can totally pull off a cap! KUDOS MINNIE!

  6. Kat

    When is your e book coming out??

  7. Erin G. @ Treats and Sneaks

    That’s so exciting – I can’t wait to read it! I don’t think competing would be for me but I love your recipes so I’m sure everything is incredible 🙂

    1. Katie

      Yes, all the foods are not scary “prep foods”, it’s just whole clean goodness!

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