Jingle Bell Run 2013

Good Morning, back to Sunday… wow already?

Yesterday morning I woke up early to take part in the Jingle Bell Run. These take place all over the US! The 5K and fun run support the Arthritis Foundation, such a great cause! I signed up with some of the orthopedic PAs at work.

I had to look festive, but nothing crazy because I had to be comfortable running.


How appropriate! My Fit Bloggin’ socks!! Thank goodness for that conference. The perfect color šŸ™‚

And let’s not forget my festive headband.


When I went to put it on it snapped in half and I almost cried. Then I said hold on, ripped off the garland part and tied it to one of those stretchy band type headbands. It actually worked out better! More comfortable and it kept the hair out of my face. Creativity at it’s peak!

When I arrived at the race it was PACKED. It was in a beautiful HILLY park. Yep, once I hit the course I was like darn this is not flat.

The first mile I ran pretty fast, but for the first 1/4 mile or so you could barely move it was so crowded. People were aggressive, I was elbowed, tinsel was flying, elf ears were poking out every which way, and I kept running in the grass to keep a good pace.

Mile 2 was very hilly, but I ran the entire time. Actually I never even saw the sign for mile 2, so when mile 3 approached I thought wow that’s it? Love it when that happens! I sprinted to the finish line near the beginning of the pack and ended with a slow time of 29 minutes.


I wasn’t racing for time, but I would’ve like to have been around 27 minutes or so. It was just too crowded to get a decent time, plus my hands were numb from the cold. I didn’t want to wear gloves, silly me.

After the race I found my ortho friends!



The coolest surgery PA’s on the planet… yes we are šŸ˜‰

Then they announced there was a photo booth! Free fun pictures? I’m in!


Okay… maybe I’m not.

She didn’t exactly tell us GO.

So, take 2?


That’s better! There was a terrible glare from the sun, but it was still free fun šŸ™‚ Plus the bad ones will go on our work fridge just because we are goofy people.

I also picked up some SWAG. The best part, more free stuff!


From now on I will always hear my friend Mary’s voice in my head when I get things for free. When we went to see a fitness competition- you can read that here– she said “I just love STUFF!, girl we are going to be friends for life.

I left shortly after the race because it was so cold. I was happy to be in my car with the heat!


And when I came home, Phoebe was happy to see me!


Oh puppy love…

Later on I decided against lifting and got all dolled up for video project number 3!


This is a chocolate mousse and it is OH SO DELICIOUS


The video might be questionable, but I didn’t want to re-film a million times. Let’s just say it will have character?

I probably will not have it up until next week. Editing takes forever, I have so much to do today, and work days are way too busy. So maybe next Saturday morning it’ll be there for you to watch!

Let me show you want happens behind the scenes though:


The dreaded clean up…


And my face because I have to clean it all up.

Filming is exhausting. I hate getting ready, it takes me forever to look presentable. By the time I get pretty? I don’t want to film. When I get all my stuff together and finally film, then a few hours have passed and I’m wiped. I don’t want to clean up the darn mess, so it sits there an hour or so. Food Network stars are lucky. They show up and people do all that stuff for them!

What you also don’t see….


You would never know this is what my bottom half looks like šŸ˜‰

You only see me from the top so I’m comfy. As my friend said “the top is beautiful and ready to take on the world, the bottom is ready to kick some butt in the gym”. Oh how people know me… šŸ˜‰

I did finally clean up and Phoebe said here, please come join me on this comfortable couch.


But don’t take my bone. MINE!

So video will be up in a week or so, I’ll keep you posted!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Ariel

    great way to improvise! that headband is so cute šŸ™‚ the Jungle Bell run looks like a blast! i always say I want to do more fun runs, but they’re just so dang crowded! maybe I’m just getting cranky in my old late 20’s haha. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

    1. Katie

      Yes they are so crowded, but it’s great seeing so many people get together for a great cause šŸ™‚

  2. Chelsea

    Can’t wait to see the video, which reminds me, I need to go look up the other ones!! Oh I hate how crowded runs can get. I always try to get there early so I can get to the front of the pack. Or like usual, I’m in the back haha and I end up running on sidewalks instead of streets, zig zag in between people (thank god I workout and am small), so by the time I get to that first mile I’m exhausted. But it’s still fun šŸ™‚ Happy Monday!

    1. Katie

      Yes, I had to run in the grass for some of it because people would not move! And it was really wet and slippery. It makes me want to do way more runs because I had so much fun!

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