Minnie Vaca is Over
My four days are up! How did that happen so fast? And why do the four days I work go by so slow? A few times during my four days I’d look at the clock and feel like my day was just starting and it was 4pm! If I was at work the day would be almost over. Funny how our minds work.
Yesterday I posted about stepping on the scale. After talking to G-Mama about this she said “don’t you think people were irritated that you didn’t post the number? I was waiting for it too!”. At first I didn’t think it was a big deal and figured no one really cared. Then when I was showering (I do a lot of my deep thinking here), I thought I probably should have posted it. When I open up an US weekly (guilty), my favorite parts to read are about celebrities and weight issues. Okay I realize this is extremely shallow and it shouldn’t matter, but it makes me realize hey they are human too and everyone deals with weight loss, dieting, and ups and downs. Also, I feel like I owe it to my readers to give a real number. When I’m flipping the pages of the magazines and a certain celeb says the highest she ever got was 130 lbs I often go off in a rant. I won’t name names, we all know who they are, but seriously who are they fooling? Women read these magazines, women step on the scales, and women know each others bodies. Why do you think it’s always a man who will guess your weight at the carnival? A woman would get it right every single time!
Anyway, so here I am… Skinny Minnie AKA Katie or my recent nickname at work K squared. 5’2 1/2” and 118 lbs

I am a lot of muscle as you guys know. The lowest I ever got down to was 108 lbs and I looked like a bobble head. The highest about 160, give or take. Once I hit the land of the 150s I stopped weighing myself. I realize some of you out there are rolling your eyes, saying 150 is normal. I just wasn’t happy with myself at that weight. I just want to be straight forward with my readers. What you see is what you get! I have nothing to hide, I’m a normal woman, and every day is a struggle to maintain!
Also I carry all my weight in my bum/hips area and my face (LUCKY ME!). When I lose weight, the first place I lose it is in my arms. My mom immediately knows if I’ve lost a pound because my arms look thinner. I guess that’s why I have good arms too, I was able to bulk them up some since I didn’t have a lot to lose in that area.
My morning started with coffee, my protein fluff shake (strawberry banana and a little goji powder) and some egg whites with my homemade salsa! So good.

Then I headed to one of my favorite places in the world. WEGMANS! I only go about every 3 weeks now because I spend way too much money. I just get sucked in and say “oh I need this, and this, oh and I have to have this!”. It’s one of the few stores where I have been able to find everything I need. I used to shop at like 5 different places. The only thing I couldn’t find was a spaghetti squash.
Here are a few things I purchased.

The berries also looked incredible!

I bought these at BJs the other day. Dried mangos are so hard to find and now they carry in bulk! Win for Min!

After the store Phoebe and I headed to G-Mama’s. I snacked on some oranges I purchased and this great veggie skinny wrap! I’ve bought them from Wegmans before, but this veggie one was by far my favorite.

I got dressed for the gym and did some bi’s and tri’s. It wasn’t a super heavy lifting day for me because my shoulders were sore from the day before. Plus I was in a blah kind of mood.
I started with 20 minutes on my favorite elliptical at a high resistance then did my arm routine:
- Cable hammer curls using rope, 45-50 lbs, 12 reps x 3 sets, then 1 set 60 lbs! yikes
- Cable tricep pulldowns using rope, 45-50 lbs, 12 reps x 3 sets, then 1 set 60 lbs
- Cable Single arm bicep curls, 20 lbs, 10 reps x 3 sets each arm
- Cable Single arm tricep kickbacks, 15 lbs, 10 reps x 3 sets each arm
- Bicep curls with 30 lb bar, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Tricep overhead extension with 12 lb kettle bell, 10 reps x 4 sets each arm
- Alternating uppercut punches with 17.5 lb weights, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Assisted Tricep Dips, 12 reps x 3 sets
- Bicep rows with 40 lb bar, 12 reps x 4 sets (bent over, underhand grip row)
- Bicep curl pumps (little pulses up), 40 lb bar, 10 reps x 4 sets
- Tricep extensions with 25 lb plate, 12 reps x 4 sets

I finished with a 15 minute run on the treadmill, then an incline speed walk. Oh and cage stretching
At home Phoebe and I made dinner, which included these cauliflower crusted chicken nuggets! Recipe should be up sometime this week! I just had a lot to do with meal prepping and everything for my work week.

I also snacked on fruits and veggies. Oh and admired my yellow spring manicure!

My meal prep this week included leftover shredded chicken meat from my taco salad, sweet potatoes, asparagus, sugar snap peas, baby romaine, and roasted cauliflower. I decided to roast the whole head of cauliflower rather than cut it up first.

Then I found one of my cookie cutters on the floor… with TEETH marks in it!

I must have dropped it while unloading the dishwasher, or she just helped herself somehow.
Back to work I go for 4 lovely days! I hope it goes fast.

I’ll see you back tomorrow!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl
I LOVE your shoes!! Is it just me, or do bright and fun shoes/workout clothes make working out SO much more fun?? I try to tell myself that buying new things helps to keep me motivated to go to the gym, but maybe that is just an excuse to shop?
I do the same! That’s what I posted when I first showed them. I always wear cute workout clothes because really I never wear real clothes besides workout gear and scrubs. It really does keep me motivated and gets me in the gym
Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns
I love how real and honest you are!! The hardest part for me is losing it in my arms, I lose easily in my legs lol probably because I’m a runner. I was admiring your nails in a picture you posted on Instagram. Love bright colors, how can you not be happy when you have bright nails
Thanks Chelsea! My mom said the same thing, that it was good I am honest about things. No matter what size you are a woman never likes to reveal her weight, but I’ve gone this far, might as well spill the beans!