Monday Things
Hi there!
I actually made it to my little blog corner.
You see, it’s covered in boxes and bags piled high. There really is no place for all of it to go in our apartment. Moving day is around the corner so we’ve been pretty busy packing everything up, throwing out A LOT… I mean why am I holding onto all these papers!? We also have a large collection of bags that will be donated.
If anyone knows me… they know my anxiety is through the roof. Change scares me. Of course this is a wonderful change, but scary none the less. Phoebe and I have been in this little apartment for three years; the last year with Tony. Hard to believe a year has approached us, but it has indeed.
The thing that worries me the most?
Phoebe is a creature of habit. She likes her spot under the couch, she likes “big bed”, and she likes to circle the apartment when we come home from Gmama and Pop Pop’s to make sure everything is still the same. I know she is going to be scared the first few nights, wondering when we will go home. I’m sure she will make herself at home in no time, but I have to worry!
I mean… look at her little face!
Tony and I have pulled ourselves away from work and packing to fit in some gym time. We hit a milestone the other day and actually lifted together. We were both doing back, and I decided I was going to be patient.
Those barbell rows are no joke! As you can see from my face. I was pulling 100 lbs here and pretty darn proud of it considering I’ve taken a few weeks off from lifting for injuries.
We also did some lat pulldowns, standing lat pull downs, and hammer strength reverse grip lat pulldowns. I think it’s safe to say my lats were sore
On Saturday night we had a nice dinner with friends at a Thai restaurant we’ve been to before.
I’m really starting to love Thai food lately because the sauces are light and they LOAD you up on veggies. Afterwards Tone treated me to fro yo. My favorite
The rest of the weekend was more packing and folding the endless piles of laundry. Gym friends, WHY do we have so many gym clothes? It’s RIDICULOUS! So much folding.
I leave you today with a face swap that FINALLY happened. Well, it barely happened, but here it is.
Obviously, this is a little off, but I’ve been trying for weeks to get SnapChat to recognize Phoebe’s face. It finally did, but my head is floating in her hair
Have a great Monday!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
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