New Week + Winner
Good Morning
Happy Monday
Fresh start to the week and I am not looking too forward to work this week since I’ll be super busy, but excited for the lifts that come after work!
I’ve been working my little tail off in the gym, diet has remained the same, and actually I’ve probably increased my calories even more. That way when I diet down, it might be a little easier
So what did I do this weekend? Lots of family time! I went to Pic N Paint with my sister and my niece. It was a blast. We are crafty people by nature, I think most girls are!
Look at all the choices to paint.
I chose an owl coffee mug. Can’t go wrong there, it will be put to good use.
We did a good job huh?
I can’t wait to pick it up in a week when it’s all bright and shiny!
And how cute is their dog Marley? Don’t you just want to snuggle her? I do! She gives high fives, super cool.
I also spent some time at the pool, you know me, always an opportunity to flex.
It was so beautiful out too and I was finally able to wear my gorgeous Turkish Towel sent over from my POPSUGAR MustHave Box
Going back to fitness things… Like I said my gym sessions have been pretty tough, with minimal cardio. I did however get to use the step mill on Saturday and guess who joined me?
Well you can’t really tell, he’s camera shy
Coach hates cardio, so it was a rare occurrence. I just had to snap a picture though!
Sunday I had to go it alone because we had some scheduling conflicts. I had things in the morning that had to be taken care of, and he had things in the afternoon. How crazy is this that I went from being a person that CANNOT STAND to workout with anyone, to someone who cannot stand to workout alone? I guess people change!
Today I end with my FitBloggin’ giveaway winner! The winner was chosen using a random number generator. The winning comment:
“My favorite place to visit in the summertime is the beach…any beach whether here in Hawaii or in Michigan, where I come from. It’s just so great to hear the waves and feel the breeze!”- Tricia Z.
Congrats Tricia! Please check your inbox, I will be contacting you soon! And thanks to everyone who entered!
Have a great day
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne
Yay for such a gorgeous weekend!! And I’m obsessed with that owl coffee mug you painted. That looks like so much fun, now I want to go do that! Hahaha I was wondering if he was camera shy, or just not looking when you took that pic. Have a great Monday, keep your head up, you got this girl :)!
hahah he turned his head on purpose! Loser lol
we have a color me mine, and i love, love, love spending the afternoon painting
did it last year for my bday and i might just do it again lol.