Powerlifter Club
Each day I am getting better, thank goodness! I don’t do well with sickness. I guess no ones really does, but I DESPISE not being able to do my regular routine, my regular workouts, etc. I was even annoyed on Friday when I had to sleep and couldn’t drink my morning coffee because I needed “rest”. Wow talk about some control issues…
Work was exactly what it sounds like… work! I had my usual:

Lunch consisted of this healthy combo- there’s sweet potato in there in case you can’t see!

When it was time to go I changed and left for my real gym! Woo hoo!
OH! and I am still makeup free at work! I can’t believe I have been wearing makeup all these years to work, what a waste! I don’t exactly buy cheap makeup, plus my skin has improved SO much since I don’t wear it anymore. Unfortunately, I started having problems with my skin in my mid twenties, which is weird because as a teen I never had issues! The typical stuff here and there, but the last few years it’s been terrible! Maybe all this time I was caking on too much product? Not sure, but I do know now I feel amazing and fresh and free! Or maybe I’m just getting old and don’t care as much?

I did a back routine yesterday. For the past 2 days I’ve started my workouts with strength training instead of my usual cardio warm up. I always thought I burned more if I started with cardio, but I feel like it’s the other way around! I felt my heart rate up the entire time I was in the gym starting with some lifting and then working in the cardio. Maybe it’s the switch up? Not sure… I’ll have to test with my heart rate monitor one day!
This was my exact gym routine:
- 1 minute plank on palms
- 30 second plank with top leg lift and kick back x 10 (to work low back and glutes), both sides
- 1 minute plank on forearms
- low back extensions lying face down on mat. Hold a 10 lb plate in front of you, palms down, gaze down, lift and lower the plate (small motion) working the low back. 12 reps x 2 sets
- Low back extensions (same as above, but with plate on midback), 12 reps x 2 sets
- Superman. Lift arms and legs off mat, move up and down slowly, 10 reps x 2 sets
- Superman with flutters (alternate arm and legs like swimming), 10 reps x 2 sets
- Side bends with 25 lb plate, 20 reps x 2 sets each side
Then I hit the elliptical for 15 minutes, and the stairs for 10 ( I really was sweating by this point!)

Here’s where things get serious!
- Stiff leg dead lifts on smith machine, 70 extra lbs, 10 reps x 4 sets
- Regular dead lifts on smith machine, 50-60 extra lbs, 10 reps x SIX SETS!
- torso twists with 25 lb plate, 20 reps x 4 sets
- Squats with 60 added lbs, 12 reps x 2 sets
- Seated rows, 70-75 lbs, 12 reps x 3 sets
- Narrow grip bar rows, 50 lbs standing, 12 reps x 3 sets
- Rhomboid Squeeze with 25 lb kettles each hand (weights down to floor, swing them back slightly and SQUEEZE together your shoulder blades, almost like a shoulder shrug but backwards!), 12 reps x 4 sets
- Standing lat pull down behind neck with 30 lb bar. Bar up to ceiling, squat down and as you come up squeeze the bar back behind your neck and shoulders. 10 reps x 4 sets. In between sets I did regular unweighted squats to keep my heart rate up!

10 minute quickie arc trainer session and I was outta there! I was probably there 90 minutes and didn’t expect to be that long. Lost track of time, but wanted to get it all in!
When I left the gym I realized my palms were officially members of the powerlifters club.

At home I made a delicious dinner featuring freekah! This is Honey Lime Shrimp with Grapefruit Freekah. I actually grilled the grapefruit and I get the rage now about grilling fruit. It was REALLY good! I’ll post the recipe later this week, promise! Just too tired right now, sorry

In the freekah was the grilled grapefruit, sweet white corn, cucumbers, and red wine vinegar.
In case you guys missed it and you’re a huge JT fan like me, he’s on Jimmy Fallon all this week and will be singing new songs from his album. I’m DVRing of course and watching last nights episode now laughing. Justin and Jimmy together are a hilarious combination. I always appreciate on the fly type of comedy rather than planned skits and stuff!
Have a good Wednesday
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
P.S. I Love My Peeps! XOXOXOXOXO
justina mammeri
Those are some heavy weights for a skinny minnie!!!!
I love lifting heavy!
That Honey Lime Shrimp looks really good!
It was a little thinner than I wanted, prob added too much lime juice, but that’s okay