Sore Muscles and Big Smiles

Since I had my migraine attack yesterday, I already had a blog all written out from the night before to post and tweak, so I am just going to pick up as if nothing happened! Of course I have to take out the happy Friday stuff, but Happy Weekend!


Good morning! Again I’d like to welcome my new readers. Recently my numbers have increased quite a bit thanks to some Pinterest linking, and word of mouth/recipe sharing on Instagram.

I love logging into my Instagram account and seeing posts by my followers that have tried my recipes! Skinny Minnie Meals in many healthy homes. I’ve even had fellow bloggers try them, and then blog about it. I’ve had good reviews, what a relief! It’s a great feeling. Keep making those meals and send me pictures! You can Email Me and I’ll post some of my favorites on my blog!

Friday was a pretty busy work day. The afternoon more so than the morning. My morning breakfast

Breakfast! Cottage cheese with grape sugar free jam, almonds, goji berries, and a big cup of ice water!
Breakfast! Cottage cheese with grape sugar free jam, almonds, goji berries, and a big cup of ice water!

I dug right into the almonds during our morning meeting because my stomach was growling! I guess it was that back workout that did me in 🙂

Lunch included some yummy smoked chicken breast, spaghetti squash, spinach, and petite shanghai (all S foods!)

Super healthy!
Super healthy!

I spent my afternoon running around the ER and seeing patients. Fun times. When I stopped in the resident lounge there was some beautiful sweet grapefruit that I couldn’t say no to!

I actually haven't had grapefruit in a while, but I JUST bought 2 and put them in my fridge. I bet I will be disappointed because this grapefruit was as sweet as sugar!
I actually haven’t had grapefruit in a while, but I JUST bought 2 and put them in my fridge. I bet I will be disappointed because this grapefruit was as sweet as sugar!

The time went by pretty fast and it was 4:30 before I knew it! I had my protein shake before I left for the gym.

Love this chocolate protein.  I mixed half unsweetened almond milk and half unsweetened coconut milk. Tastes like chocolate milk!!!
Love this chocolate protein. I mixed half unsweetened vanilla almond milk and half unsweetened coconut milk. Tastes like chocolate milk!

Time to go!

It's still purple friday! Smiling big because it's my weekend :)
It’s still purple friday! Smiling big because it’s my weekend 🙂

At the gym I really had to fight to get through my cardio power hour. My back was REALLY feeling it from my workout the day before, but in a good way. I haven’t been this sore in a while. Sore is good, it means change 🙂

So I did half arc trainer, half stair master, with a short ab session in between:

  • oblique knee twists (like a mountain climber) on the bosu ball (flat part), 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Dome bosu ball sit ups holding a 10 lb kettle bell, 15 reps x 4 sets
  • Oblique crunches on the bosu. Lay over the dome, on your side, hips stacked, crunch up and down. 12 reps x 2 sets each side
  • 45 second plank (dome), palms for 1/2, elbows for 1/2, 2 sets
  • Dome bosu ball crunch, 15 reps x 2 sets

Want a good ab workout? Do crunches on the bosu! My abs killed me the next morning. It’s because you are increasing your range of motion. When you do abs on the floor you stop at the ground point. The bosu allows the body to go past that point! YIKES

Lots of back stretching too! I needed it bad.

Quick gym session, in and out. I really wanted to drive home after work, but I made myself go. You know how most of the time you get to the gym and 2 minutes into your workout you think wow I’m glad I came! Well Friday wasn’t one of those days. The whole hour I was there I had to force myself. Maybe I should have just gone home, my body obviously was telling me something! (I think it was preparing for the mega migraine session that was about to come!)

When I came home Phoebe and I celebrated and did our “3 whole days dance”. We then made dinner:

Dinner sides- asparagus and roasted cauliflower mash
Dinner sides- asparagus and roasted cauliflower mash

I obviously cut the protein out of the picture. Why? Because I made an organic grass fed steak to try and I HATED it! It tasted weird. I’m not sure if it was because I haven’t had meat in a while, or because it was grass fed? Not sure. I gave some to Phoebe and saved the rest for her to munch on for a few days. I heated up a chicken breast for my protein instead!

Then I made my own Skinny Minnie Chocolate Coconut “Luna” Bars!

Homemade Chocolate Coconut "Luna" Bar
Homemade Chocolate Coconut “Luna” Bar

These are delicious and a little less calories and carbs than the store bought version. Plus less processed ingredients 🙂

I’ve improved since yesterday. Phoebe was a little angel and let me sleep all day (No exaggeration I slept 23 out of the 24 hours). I couldn’t eat so T will have to be for Tylenol (for those following my food alphabet game). I still don’t feel myself, it’s as if everything is a blur. Not sure I will make it to the gym today, my head still hurts and my body feels wiped. I’ve never had a headache like that, so I feel extremely awful for regular sufferers of migraines! It feels like someone is taking a hammer to your head! My blog was already almost done for the day but I couldn’t pull myself to the computer to post it. Let alone THINK about food. If I saw food even in pictures I knew it would be all over, so nauseated. I also had really bad chills and sweats which initially made me think flu, but some vestibular migraines can make you have this. Let’s hope this is the last time I ever feel this way, it was terrible. And thank goodness my work wouldn’t allow me to take that extra shift on Friday like planned. I would have been walking out for sure!

Phoebe and I will be headed to G-Mama and Pop Pops today! Yay! She must have slept in her bag all day yesterday waiting to go. I felt guilty… But we will go today!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


P.S. I love you Dad! 🙂

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