Sorry I’m Sleeping

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.

My body just decided to shut down on me, so I’ve been taking much needed rests away from the screen and away from my workouts. Sometimes you just need to nap after work and take care of yourself! I’ve been working so hard lately on my videos, blog, cookbook, and real job, that sleep took a back seat. I’m playing catch up a bit and with the holiday coming tomorrow things are going to get busy again.


So I will be back with a short little message tomorrow and then blogging full time on Friday. Thanks for understanding!


Always giving mama love 😉

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Glad to hear you’re taking care of yourself :)! I have a hard time doing that sometimes.

    1. Katie

      It is! I’m back to me though. yay

  2. tam

    sometimes all you need to do is have a little rest to feel better! Tam xx

    1. Katie

      Thanks, much better 🙂

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