The Bling is in the Building

Happy Sunday to all.
I have to say I had a very happy Saturday because guess what? My bikini came in!
Okay well it didn’t just come in, I stalked the postal service until it arrived at my stoop. For real guys, I was supposed to get it Thursday and when I didn’t I was extremely upset. Then Friday rolled around and it still didn’t come (so much for 2 day Priority). I for sure thought it was lost in the mail. I literally watched out the window for a delivery truck…
But Saturday came and it arrived! I raced upstairs to open up my delicate little package, half scared, half excited. When I say I raced, I sprinted, half knocking over a couple in the hallway. Sorry people…
After I stared at the beauty of it the panic hit that I am going to be wearing this little bit of material in front of a WHOLE LOTTA PEOPLE! (excuse my grammar, it’s necessary). I’m hiding most of my suit for now and it’s in black and white to hide the color! I was going to post just pictures of it on my bed, but decided it’s too precious to show that way
To me this suit means more than just shiny fabric and rhinestones. I’m flooded with many emotions when I look at it.
I see the woman that I’ve become from the girl who would never wear a two-piece to now being the fittest of my life and wearing this.
I feel accomplished because I’ve come so far in my fitness journey from a cardio bunny to a lifting queen. To overweight, to underweight, to now finding the healthy balance. I see the girl who was uncomfortable in her own skin, felt self conscious of the extra weight on her… self conscious even when she was nothing but skin and bones. I wish that girl could see what I transformed into. I feel pride when I think about overcoming the obstacles I suffered with. I think about the eating disorder that I overcame and yes, I’m woman enough to admit I did under eat at one point in my life and I’m so happy I’m healthy and smart about it now.
I feel sadness as I think about the person who was one of my biggest supporters in all of this, the person who pushed me to compete and said I could do it, and dealing with the fact that this person is not in my life anymore.
I hear the voice of someone I once dated that said I prefer skinny girls but you’re okay too. Somethings you just don’t forget.
I feel the pump, I feel the sweat, I feel the strength of every workout that I put into getting myself into this suit and feeling comfortable in it. I have changed since I started this blog and I have molded myself even further over the past eight weeks during this prep. I’ve had good times and I’ve had bad but having this suit in my hands now makes it all worth it.
I see the faces of my parents, who raised me to pursue my dreams and do things for myself and no one else. I love you guys.
And most of all, I feel blessed that I have been able to inspire so many women, so many strangers and even new online friends (thanks to social media) who call me their friend and confidant by opening up their web browsers daily and reading my blog. I cannot thank you all enough for the support.
After I strutted around in it for a little while I put it away because it was TIME TO EAT!
These bars turned out great!
I did a workout in my home gym because I knew the suit was coming so I didn’t want to leave. It was a back day for me and I’m so proud of myself that I finally can do a pull up without any assistance! I could only do 2 in a row, but if I didn’t do dead lifts before it I might have been able to do more.
You can do anything with dedication!
Since it was nice out, in the late afternoon Phoebs and I went for a long walk outside.
Thanks Mary for the sandals
Well, it was supposed to be a walk, but we were stopped every 2 minutes by someone saying how adorable she is. Of course we both EAT IT UP LIKE A PROTEIN FLUFF! And then when they ask her name and I say “Phoebe” I always get the same response: “That is the perfect name for her!”. Well of course, I named her that because she is full of life and spunk! Phoebe absolutely loves attention and when people pet her and say how cute she is she puts on the charm even more.
It was a no makeup kind of day again… and no worries that car is parked!
So overall a great day for Miss Buffay and I. A milestone was hit today when my suit arrived and things GOT REAL! I’m officially 5 weeks out (well now 4 weeks and 6 days). It’s crunch time. These next 4 weeks I plan on taking my protein down a notch because I am already full of muscle up top. Now it’s about making everything tight and making the muscles I built pop in the right places while getting as lean as possible!
Have a great Sunday and DREAM BIG!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
ahhh now you have the bikini, its official! I wondered could you write a blog post about the approach to building up your muscle then the leaning out stage? Its something I’m interesting in but never had the expertise or help. I am never quite sure which macro balance is most appropriate. Thanks and good luck. Tam x
Yes I will try to do something. It’s a little hard to write because there is no magic plan for one person to follow. I’ve had to play with my workouts and diet A LOT and still learning so much about all of this and my body.
I love the confidence you have in this post! And the peeks of the suit look awesome! So blingy, I love it! Just wondering about the pulls ups…did you work toward those with modified pull ups or just focused on your muscles in your exercise until you could do it unassisted? My arms have always been so wimpy but I am working on them and hope to do a full pull up on my own soon!
Yes I moved towards with assisted pull ups. I could always do light weight assistance but never without. Since I’ve been doing heavier lifts lately I thought hmmmm let me try. And then I could! So lifting heavier definitely helps!
Erin G. @ Treats and Sneaks
You are such an inspiration! I love your confidence and seeing how far you’ve come. Keep it up!!!