The Good News

Hi everyone!

SO MANY THINGS happening right now. First of all, I am off to beautiful California with my better half to attend BlogFest! I’m super excited to make new friends, reunite with old friends, and spend some more time with my best friend Sarah.


I literally have worked my butt off this past week at work, but somehow I made it through and we are off to sweat, network, and make some more great memories. Huge thank you to my parents for watching Phoebe, and huge thank you to Tony’s mom for house sitting. We are so blessed to have great people in our lives that support our hard work, and our fun times too 😉

I also can’t wait to get my paws on a Poke bowl! I’ve been drooling over them online for a good while now.

Not to be confused with Pokemon! Seriously people, don’t play this game and drive, so dangerous!

I do have to say, I am a normal human being and anxiety got the best of me yesterday. I felt like I had so much to do before we left and about 10 minutes to get it all done. To say I was on edge was the understatement of the year. As I sit here and reflect back, I realize it was my body coming off of some crazy night shifts and masking the tiredness with too much caffeine. Messing up your natural internal clock can be detrimental, and I felt the impact of it big time. A three hour time difference is actually going to do me a huge favor as I slowly try to catch up with being on a day schedule again.

But anyway, I got MOST of it done. I had plans for a few other things that weren’t necessary so those went to the back burner.

The biggest news I have really is about my family’s sweet little Penny. My dad took her to the vet and guess what? They are estimating her age at 5 to 8 years old! I could have done jumping jacks I was so happy. I knew little lucky Penny was not 13. She doesn’t look like it and she certainly doesn’t act like it (other than being a little timid).


The bad news… since I’ll be gone, I won’t have much up for the next week, but I shall return with tons of fun ideas and good times from my trip. You can follow me on Instagram: @SkinnyMinnieMoves and my favorite social media channel: SNAPCHAT! My username is KatieKoblinsky

But for now… I’m OFF!


XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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