Weekend Festivities

Okay my lovely readers!

This is probably the first time you will ever see these words typed… thank goodness that weekend is over!

You guys know I LIVE for my weekends. Okay I know, I shouldn’t wish my life away, but this time I just needed it to be over. May was a pretty poo month for me (yes POO), and June 1st didn’t kick off to a great start either, but now I’m ready for good things.

So besides hitting my head and ending up with a concussion (yes I self diagnosed), here’s what you guys missed:

Phoebe received an impromptu bath Thursday evening because she messed everywhere… oh my!



And she looks even smaller than last time! I swear she’s lost weight because she hasn’t been eating right.

I played with my new Lululemon vinyasa scarf and it is FABULOUS.


I ate meatloaf in the car, no big deal


And made my first actual frozen yogurt with my ice cream maker. It was amazing! And didn’t kill my stomach too much for not having dairy for a while.


Here were the oatmeal cream pies I attempted to make at 2am, they weren’t worth the head injury…


I also made a HIGHLY OVER RATED cauliflower crust pizza.


First of all, it takes like 2 hours… and second it’s not even that great! The time it took me to make this little guy, I could’ve run off a real pizza on the treadmill. Plus it crumbles in your hands. Not pizza, sorry. The sauce however I made from scratch and it was on point!

  • 1 large tomato
  • 14 oz of no salt tomato puree
  • 1/4 cup coconut vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon of garlic powder
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 3 T stevia in the raw for sweetness


On Sunday I got all pretty in a summer dress and saw my better half Mary compete in her second bikini show.


Of course she looked gorgeous.


And of course I SCREAMED MY BUTT OFF! It included things like “yeah pop tawt” (our term of endearment), “look at that sexy beast in the green” “Shake it 56!”. I went a little crazy and probably embarrassed her husband sitting next to me.


So proud of her accomplishments and all the hard work she put into this show.


We will be hitting the stage together again in the fall! Time to build and grow.

Speaking of building, very happy to say my slim down is going well. If you want to join us, there is still time! It includes a new workout split that is making me so incredibly sore. Sore is good though 🙂


Day 1 complete!

And for the reality of my slim down… and because my parents don’t believe me… my weight!


You guys know I never weigh myself (okay I did peak week), but I don’t think it’s the best way to track progress during my bikini preps. My body totally changed over 12 weeks and I only was down about 7-10 pounds. Crazy huh?

Curious to see if the scale moves at all this slim down though! I won’t be mad if it doesn’t because I’m all about building that muscle! *sorry for my ugly feet*

Have a great Tuesday gang 🙂

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Holly

    I’m really interested in your Low Carb Meatloaf Recipe, would you be willing to share? Or have you already shared? 🙂

  2. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    At least those oatmeal pie sandwiches look amazing!! But definitely not worth a concussion, I don’t think anything is haha. I’m the same way with weighing myself anymore. I only do it now when I’m at the doctor, well because they ask me to get on the scale. Which I went to and it said I’m a pound lighter, which made me concerned, did I just lose muscle??? I hope not. I love how my mind has changed, and now I’m concerned with muscle as well 🙂

  3. #42

    Love you pop tawt!!! Thank you for being there for me on Sunday and screaming your face off!! Cant wait to hit the stage with you again!!! This summer is going to be so much fun!! Xoxoxo

  4. Heather @ PrettyHealthyMostoftheTime

    Ugh, that cauliflower pizza crust! The exact same thing happened to me … all that time and energy for less than mediocre “crust” that I had to eat with a fork – boo!

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