When Did This Start Taking 3 Hours

Good Morning Friends! It’s Monday, and that pretty much means I am in a depression until 4:30. Even though my move was stressful, I’ve had the most wonderful 4 days off, 3 of which I’ve enjoyed my gorgeous new apartment. I’m serious guys I do not want to leave. I had mini panic attacks last night thinking about leaving it. If I didn’t go to work though, I wouldn’t be able to live here, so you gotta do what you gotta do!

As you are reading this, I wonder what Phoebe is doing right now. This is the first time she is loose in my apartment while I am gone all day. In our old place, I put a baby gate across the bathroom and she stayed in there. Now I’m going to let her run free since she doesn’t bother anything. I will however close my bedroom door and closet, because girlfriend likes to pee on carpet. NOT HAPPENING PHOEBS!

Yesterday we had a pretty good day. I woke up to coffee and sunlight and a nice walk outside with the pup.

I think mommy likes the walks more than Phoebe does
I think mommy likes the walks more than Phoebe does

Then I worked out downstairs in my apartment gym. Another leg day! Twice a week. NPC is all about lower body and making it stand out. Check out this new exercise I did using the Smith Machine!

Smith Glute kickbacks or "donkey kicks"
Smith Glute kickbacks or “donkey kicks”

The bar alone is 45 pounds, so I stuck with just that. Next time I will try and put on 10 pounds or so, but wanted to focus on form this time. I did 10 reps x 3 sets each leg.

After lots of leg work I did my cardio which included 15 minute intervals on this bike (not a spin, but it’ll do)

Peek a boo!
Peek a boo!

Then a little more cardio on a stair incline machine I have. I will have to take a picture of it for you guys. It looks like an elliptical with a super high incline, but it’s a stair stepper. Pretty cool. It definitely burns too.

When I came back up I decided to make my protein shake into a fluff. Since I can’t have extra fruit it’s hard to make my fluffs like they used to be with one small banana. The other frozen fruit really helped to give it substance and a thickness. Ice cubes watered it down too much, so I tried freezing almond milk!

Each row is 4 ounces! Works perfect
Each row is 4 ounces! Works perfect
A fluff... sort of?
A fluff… sort of?

Once I showered Phoebe and I got dressed and headed to G-Mamas

Dressed and seeing minor changes in my legs. I notice, you probably don't, that's okay ;)
Dressed and seeing minor changes in my legs. I notice, you probably don’t, that’s okay 😉

After hanging out for a little bit, I decided I needed to do my grocery shopping. I didn’t have enough veggies for the week (and after prepping I realized I still don’t have enough), and I needed to stock up on almond milk, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese. My cart was probably the healthiest one in the whole store.

Crazy healthy cart!
Crazy healthy cart!

Once I came back and picked up my girl, we headed home to organize our home a bit. Check out my new laundry basket. I’m pretty excited about it.

Love this
Love this

We also took another walk but it was a fast lap because it started to rain 🙁

After a delicious dinner

fish portion increased! woo too
fish portion increased! woo hoo

I meal prepped

An exhausting meal prep
An exhausting meal prep

Let me say this took about 3 HOURS! These meal preps are out of control. Measuring each component takes forever. I refuse to eye ball it, because it’s always off. The almond milk will be measured each day because I don’t have enough blender bottles. But this is 4 days worth of food up to my dinner time. It took me so long, hopefully I will get quicker at this as the weeks go by. Last week I only had 2 work days and that was so much easier to prep! Being healthy is difficult.

In those lunches hold my Sweet Potato Burgers. 100% clean and natural ingredients. Check out the recipe 🙂

Sweet Potato Burgers with a quinoa crust!
Sweet Potato Burgers with a quinoa crust!

Enjoy your Monday, let’s hope this week flies!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    When I was in school, I always hated meal prepping on Sundays, I knew I needed to, otherwise I’d have nothing to eat, but still dreaded it lol. That quinoa crust sounds interesting, I’ll have to tell my boyfriend about it since he love quinoa. Hope today goes by fast for you!

  2. Liz @FitLizzy

    What a beautiful, green grocery cart! I swear, someday I am going to be a master meal prepper like you 🙂 So glad you’re seeing the results you want and all of your dedication is paying off. You should be so proud!

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