2 Days Out

It’s Thursday!

Here’s where the magic begins to happen. I’m literally shaking as I type this. This is probably going to be my last blog before show day.


…AND I’m back from dry heaving.


For real, not kidding.

Today I get my polygraph, check in number, and manicure and pedicure for show day. Holy moly. I had to stop typing because I got a little dizzy. Can you imagine what I’m going to feel like show day? I don’t know what I will do to keep my nerves in check. Some competitors have a little wine, but I hate alcohol because it makes me super stuffy. Plus on my small frame right now it would go straight to my head, ESPECIALLY since I never drink anyway. Last thing I need is to be the drunk girl on stage πŸ˜‰


Or looking like that… πŸ˜‰

Gym sessions have been about an hour this week. 20 minutes of light cardio and some light lifting. You would think I’d feel like it was nothing, but truth is these are the hardest workouts I’ve done this prep because my energy level is SO LOW. Drinking a lot of water and lowering my carbs, I can barely lift. My weights had to be lowered, and I’ve been sticking to a lot of body moves and mat work. 20 minutes of the stair master seemed like death, so I had to do 5-10 minute warm ups on the arc trainer or spin bike and then finish with a 10 minute step mill session. Insane right? This coming from the girl who could pound out an hour on the step mill with HIIT sprints incorporated into it, IN A SWEATSHIRT mind you. Peak week is real folks…

BUT, it works.


How I’m looking these days. No makeup. Trying to keep my face fresh and clean for show day!

I am choosing not to reveal my body again until show day, but I’m seeing big changes these past 5 days. Everything is tightening in the right places. I wake up and I’m amazed. No I’m not losing fat, you can’t really do much of that in the final weeks, it’s the last bit of water weight coming off. There are so many tricks out there, as I mentioned in my last blog, but I did my own thing and I’m proud of myself that it worked well. I’m a *newbie* at this, and for anyone that wants to compete, I feel like I can successfully pass on my information about something that works, and THE HEALTHY WAY!


So what’s taking the water weight off you say? Well drinking a lot of water of course, but I think the biggest difference was taking out all powders, gums (they have artificial sweeteners that can cause bloat and water retention), and sodium. My pre workout powders have sodiumΒ (oh how I miss them greatly because they power me through my workouts),Β and so do BCAAs. I would also use those popcorn seasonings in the morning on egg whites, just to liven things up a bit and help keep me sane, and those were taken out this week too! Not only for sodium, but they also have artificial ingredients. I would use these sparingly because I hate anything fake. Last bit of difference? EGGS! You guys know me, I was an egg peeling FOOL! I was eating up to 18 egg whites a day for protein. This week I took them out because they make me… excuse this because it’s TMI… extremely gassy. A lot of my team mates keep them in, and that’s fine, but I know what they do to my body! They make me bloat a bit, so taking them out was the right choice for me. Every journey is different. This is why I’m glad I didn’t hire a nutritionist. I know my body better than anyone else!Β This entire prep has been eye opening. Learning what works for me, what doesn’t, etc.

So right now here’s a peek at what I’m eating:

  • Tilapia with lemon juice and pepper
  • Loads of asparagus
  • Baked zucchini
  • Lean ground turkey with fennel seeds, garlic powder, pepper
  • Bison Steaks
  • Roasted almonds
  • Avocado
  • romaine lettuce with baby portabellas and a drizzle of balsamic “salads” I guess…?
  • bell peppers
  • cucumbers with cinnamon and organic stevia (my FAVORITE right now)
  • coffee with a splash of unsweetened vanilla almond milk and liquid stevia
  • sleepy time tea
  • spinach medleys (different veggies)

These foods are pretty much repeated 6-7 times a day. I eat tilapia 4 times a day right now… oh the horror!

For days I get carbs! (the last 2 days)

  • Oats with 1/2 cup of almond milk, cinnamon and stevia


My yay carbs face!

I could have sweet potatoes too, but I really just want the oats. They are my favorite! I haven’t done any rice (besides rice cakes) this entire prep because grains do not mix with my body. A lot of people that suffer from endometriosis have problems with grains. It didn’t click with me that this was the reason until I did a little research. So if grains work for you, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having them.

Alright so Phoebe is crying at me, she wants attention! And I need to get rolling on Thursdays activities.

I want to end by saying THANK YOU. I cannot say it enough. Thank you so much to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU out there who has supported my journey to the stage. It was not easy by any means, but a big reason why I stuck with it was to make my readers proud and inspired. I couldn’t have done this without you guys. You pushed me, and believed in me. *And now I’m crying…* Every comment, e-mail, and message has truly touched my heart. I hope to make you guys proud come Saturday. The *bronzed dolly* AKA the trophy is not what I’m after. I’m after believing in myself, having confidence to walk on the stage, and knowing I worked my hardest to get to this point. So again thank you all for following and reading my journey and I’m…



Virtual flowers from me to you! Okay really they are my pretty peak weak flowers, but the thought is there πŸ™‚

I will be back Monday with an updated blog of the show, but in the meantime I will definitely be updating my Instagram on show day for all to see my final look! Make sure you follow me there to see show day pictures πŸ™‚ Β Username is @skinnyminniemoves in case you just want to search for me instead of linking! Show starts at 1pm, but I will probably be all dolled up by 11:30am Eastern Time to share, and throughout the day will have fun pictures since it’s a long wait πŸ™‚ You can also follow me on Twitter @SkinnyminniemovΒ or my blog Facebook page.

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,




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  1. Rose

    I’m soooo excited for you, even though I just follow you online!! Good luck and ENJOY that moment when you realise you DID it! πŸ™‚

    1. Katie

      THANKS Rose!!!! I will have pics Monday! πŸ™‚

  2. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Aw πŸ™‚ I would totally hug you right now. Seriously, I don’t know how much more proud we can be, Your commitment is amazing! I know I would have ran! I can not believe it’s here already!! And I’ll be on Instagram all day waiting for pictures and results!!! I can’t wait to see how far you’ve come!!! Get it girl :)!!

    1. Katie


      THANKS SO MUCH! You’ve been one of my top ladies for this prep, even though we don’t know each other! lol. Thanks for every thing, the comments, the pushes and the inspiration! Luv ya girlie πŸ˜‰

  3. ariel

    eek! 2 days! you are seriously going to rock this πŸ™‚ can’t wait to see your comp-day photos. i will definitely be IG creepin’ πŸ˜‰ sending only the best vibes out over the interwebs!

    1. Katie

      Thanks so much Ariel! And thanks for being a loyal reader and follower!!! πŸ˜€

  4. Meghan

    You are definitely an inspiration!! I’m really happy for you and think what you’re doing is very cool. And big props to you for doing it all on your own, especially the food part. That is tough work in itself trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. I’m going to find you on instagram and I look forward to your recap. Good luck! You got this!

    1. Katie

      Thank you Meghan! It was definitely tough but so happy I did it!

  5. amyt

    GOOD luck..cannot wait to see how it all turns out!!! Wishing you the best!

    1. Katie

      Aw thanks so much! I can’t wait to reveal it all coming together!

  6. Constanze

    Good luck and all the best wishes! I’m really curious! πŸ˜€

    1. Katie

      Thank you Constanze!!! πŸ™‚

  7. tam

    Good luck!! I am so proud of you, you have come such a long way, you deserve it. Its being an amazing journey to watch and read about. I hope it all goes great, just think of how far you have come. Be positive, you’re nearly there. All the best, will be thinking of you. Tam x

    1. Katie

      Thank you SOOOO much Tam! You’ve been so kind and pushed me through this process! Luv ya πŸ˜€

  8. angela

    Good luck!! I’m sure you do great. You’ve worked so hard just enjoy it :):)

    1. Katie

      Thanks Angela! Yes time to enjoy my hard work!

  9. Karla

    Best of luck! Enjoy the ride!,,

    1. Katie

      Thanks Karla!!!! πŸ˜€

  10. Karen

    You look amazing! Best of luck. Can’t wait to see show day pics!!!

    1. Katie

      Thank you! I can’t wait to share

  11. Evyly

    You’re going to do so great! It’s been amazing watching you on this journey. Your determination is so inspiring! I can’t wait to see your show pics on Instagram and read your blog about the show.
    You’re going to kill it!

    1. Katie

      Thank you girl!!! It was an amazing journey I hope to continue πŸ™‚

  12. Anesa

    i know you been very strict on your diet because of the competetion. what are you cravings. what would be the first thing that you would like to eat?

    1. Katie

      I ate lots of candy lol. I love sour/sugar candies like sour belts and stuff!

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