28 Things That Happened

Good Morning Gang!

As you are reading this, I am somewhere on the east coast driving down 95 with the peanut butter to my jelly. Funny story, Mary LOVES peanut butter and often says she will not have it around because she will eat the whole jar. Well I am that way with jam or jelly. I can’t eat just one tablespoon, I eat it straight out of the jar and before I know it… whoops! Ask G-Mama, I was the kid that ate jelly sandwiches, no PB for me. So yes, Mary’s the peanut butter and I am the jelly.  MEANT TO BE!

Anyway, since tomorrow is my birthday, I’m looking back at the things I did this past year, my 28th year on this planet. Big and small here they are:

1. FitBloggin’13

2. The beginning of Terrible Tuesdays. I started this catchphrase at work for the other surgical PA’s. Tuesdays weren’t always bad at work, this was a thing that just started this past July. And it hasn’t gotten easier with time that’s for sure!

3. My new blog design debuted! I seriously have a hard time imagining it before.. yikes!



4. I saw JT and Jay Z in concert!

5. Phoebe turned 1 and we had a party. Wow my baby is almost 2 years old.

6. I lost my mind and decided to give Bikram Yoga a shot… yeah I did it once.


7. I must’ve spent half my paycheck in workout clothes






8. Phoebe and I dressed like Minnie Mouse for BARCStoberfest, what will we be this year!?


9. I started writing an e-book!


10. I got highlights for the first time and quickly hated them


11. I went to an OCB show and decided I was going to compete!


12. I also started my friendship with Mary this day!


13. I made YouTube videos… RIP! I hope to come back to those one day, I only made 3. They take up so much time since I am a one man show, and let’s face it, you guys know I don’t have that kind of time.


14. My blog hit it’s 1 year anniversary. WOW that’s it? I feel like my blog has always been a part of me!

15. I had my first experience at the Melting Pot. It was a last “hurrah” before starting prep.


16. I offered a Skinny Minnie Slim Down! You can still purchase it and start at any time. 25 days for $25. That’s a buck a day. Grow muscles and learn some great new moves 🙂


17. I ran a 5K around Christmas time even though I am not much of a runner.


18. I went to an NPC show in Baltimore


19. I had awesome holidays with my family



20. I went to the spa and got pampered during prep! Ooooohhh la la


21.  I competed in my first bikini competition and placed!


22. Then two weeks later I did another show and placed again! Aka Bikini Prom


—YIKES I was scrawny!—-

23. And then I had way too many cheat meals….



24. I was sick A LOT!

nose strip

25. I started going to a chiropractor— big mistake


26. I decreased my cardio a lot, and upped my lifting patterns


27. I got a lot of love from my baby! We also started and then quit puppy school 😉



28. Packed for my next round of FitBloggin!


So starting and ending with FitBloggin! Can’t wait to see what year 29 holds for me tomorrow!!!! Still holding onto those 20’s as long as I can 😉

I will try to post an update or two these next few days, but going to enjoy my vacation! You can follow my vacation on my Instagram account!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Awww Happy Birthday girl!!! Enjoy every second of your vacation!

  2. tam

    You’ve accomplished a lot in a year, amazing to see. The time has flown by! Hope you have a great birthday, nice to spend it with your friends, enjoy the trip! All the best Tam

    1. Katie

      Thanks Lisa! Probably the best one of my 20’s!

  3. ariel

    i enjoyed the visual flashback through the past year of minnie. cheers to your 29th! i will soon join you in the last year of my 20’s come august. 🙂

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