A Wrap You Won’t Forget and a Pretty Cool Corvette
You’re in luck today! Well what is so great about today? Not only is it Mirror Pic Monday…

BUT today’s recipe is even more simple than yesterday’s. It is more a gathering of ingredients rather than a recipe. But involves some of my FAVORITE things.
-Wraps, veggies, and dip!
And it’s all rolled (well okay maybe folded because I pile mine high!) into one awesome wrap with the perfect balance of spicy kick and cool crisp.
I call it The Katie Wrap. Corny I know, but it’s my favorite and well it’s me 🙂

What do I eat this with? Well I cropped the Kelp noodles out of the picture.. let’s forget I tried these… no bueno 🙁 But I’ve had this wrap many times and it goes great with ANY side. Quinoa, veggies, a sweet potato, even whole wheat pasta. Whatever you like.
Not only did I inhale this.. but I worked out super hard today! And went for a spin in Dad’s old/new? ’71 Corvette *you deserve it Dad*

Today’s workout was some cardio (of course!) and shoulders! I love shoulder day the most. I think because I feel they are my best asset.
-I started with the dreaded Mr. Stairmaster. Today I felt like the 20 minutes flew. I had lots of energy. My tip to the Stairmaster is do it FIRST thing when you hit the gym. Not only do you get it out of the way, but you feel like a beast when you finish! Then you want to do more things.

Yikes thank goodness that’s done with.. Now moving onto shoulders. I do many shoulder exercises, but not all at once. Like I said yesterday, I like to mix back in my cardio to prevent myself from getting bored quickly and to also keep my heart rate up!
These are the exercises I did today for shoulders all using free weights
(Side note: I will soon have an exercise tab with pictures and explanations of all the common exercises I do so check back!)
- Dumbbell Shoulder press with 15lbs (raise the dumbbells above your head and back down above shoulders). I do 15 of these x 4 sets
- Upright rows 2 ways! I used a 25lb kettle bell and did 15 rows x 2 sets. Then used 15 lb weights in each hand and did 12 rows x 2 sets
- and some pulses (pulses are tiny movements upward you really feel the burn! I usually do about 8 pulses)
- Lateral raises with 10lbs in each hand (these are difficult you may want to start with 5lbs). I do 10 of these (both arms same time, but you can also alternate to make it easier) x 3 sets
- Front Dumbbell raises with 12 lbs in each hand(raise dumbbells from lowest position to shoulder height in one fluid motion with your arms straight) x3 sets
- Reverse fly’s (MY FAVORITE) 15 lbs each hand (standing, bend your knees a little, and lean forward some, weights in front of you pointing towards ground and open your arms like a bird— flying in and out!). I do 10 of these x3-4 sets
- Internal/External rotator cuff 15 lbs each hand (elbows bent holding weights in from of you, keep elbows tight into body and open and close the weights, pretend you are opening and closing cabinets!) x 4 sets
- I also threw in some random pushups. You can do them on your knees but I prefer toes because it really works your core better. I’ll do 12-15 pushups x 3 sets
Oh and Phoebe is getting the hang of this walking thing

XOXO with a Cherry on Top,
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