Push Through the Pain
Wednesday! Half-way through the work week, just have to get over the hump.
In yesterday’s post I mentioned my Kale article and recipe I did for Veria.com. In case you missed it here is the link again with an UPDATED lovely little picture of yours truly
Skinny Minnie Sesame Peanut Kale Chips- featured on Veria.com
If you signed up for the newsletter and checked your e-mail, you will see my article was picked for their Super Bowl feature! So honored

My day at work yesterday was interesting… I actually had down time for the first time EVER! It only lasted about 45 minutes, but it was super rare. I actually didn’t like it at all to be quite honest. I prefer to stay busy. I did polish up a few dictations though that were on my to do list.

I also stopped and picked up a fresh cup of green tea!

It was great that I left work 100% on time. Literally clocked out at 4:30 on the dot! I changed into my gym clothes there, check out my cute new top that is so ME!

I bought another one that says “beast mode” in white too. Motivation right there on my shirt!
I really had to find my inner beast to make it through my workout. I really should have taken the day off because I am still so sore from the chest workout and now the arms from the day before. I wanted to push through my cardio workout and I let me tell you, I really had to PUSH. I was dead when I finished.
Started with a 10 minute run on the treadmill, then a 10 minute incline speed walk.
Followed by 25 minutes on the stairmaster
And 15 minutes on the arc trainer. CARDIO POWER HOUR INDEED!
I also did this ab workout:
- Regular crunches holding a 10 lb kettle bell, 30 reps
- Oblique crunches holding a 10 lb kettle bell, 30 reps
- Reverse crunches and straight leg lowers, 10 reps both ways x 3 sets
- Leg flutters (legs 30-45 degree angle), 12 reps x 3 sets
- Single leg straight leg oblique crunch (one leg lifts as you crunch and lowers back down, alternate legs), 20 reps x 2 sets
- The Hundred
- Planks on the bosu ball, 30 seconds x 2 sets
- Mountain climbers on the bosu ball, 20 reps x 2 sets
- Torso twists holding 20 lb medicine ball, 20 reps x 3 sets
I feel like I may have done more ab exercises, but I can’t remember them all!

At work I started to tell some of the people I work with that I write this blog and they always say “oh, so you are into fitness and all that?”. I always just smile and say “yeah, a little bit!”
I think I am probably going to take my Wednesday as a recovery day and just rest my body a little bit. I really feel like I need it. I love to workout, but like I say listen to your body!
I also don’t have a recipe today, BUT take a peek at those kale chips!

Phoebe says hi, she is not feeling very photogenic today and has been hiding in her carrier!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
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