Is There Such a Thing as Too Clean?

Hello friends,

Today is February 7th, that means I have been a “clean eater” for 5 weeks now. My limit was 30 days because like I said in my post last week, I thought I would be so anxious to go back to my old eating habits again. Well I wasn’t, and I wanted to keep going.

The thing is, is there such a thing as too clean of a diet? Well I think my body says there is. Without going into too much detail, my body suddenly decided it needed a change again. I think I have been taking in way too many grains and too much fiber, and it’s been screwing me up big time. I feel bloated and uncomfortable 24/7 (I guess it finally caught up with me?).

G-Mama says I am a little too strict with clean eating, and maybe I am.Ā I can’t help but get aggravated at this. I see all the time people that live this way constantly! I really think it’s my body though. I have always had stomach problems my entire life. PA school I was always sick because the stress just did a number on my body. In and out of the doctors and ERs all the time. It almost seems unfair because I am extremely healthy and work so hard to be this way. Yet healthy is making me unhealthy again!

So the extreme clean eating has to come to a close. Of course I am still going to eat my normal healthy ways. Just like before I started the challenge, so no worries! All recipes will be figure friendly, I still have to keep my bod up after all šŸ˜‰

I just have to cool it a little bit and try to get my body back to normal. I suppose I can do a week of clean eating here and there, but my body isn’t made for it for long periods of time. Plus, the body can’t make any change or progress if it is used to getting one type of intake. Ā I compare it to exercise. You wouldn’t do the same treadmill walk over and over and expect results would you?

Clean eating will slowly exit starting the end of this week (after all I am not going to waste food on meals I already prepped!). I’m a little sad, and part of me feels like a failure. But I need to listen to what my body needs and be smart šŸ™‚


Not much to say about work from yesterday. Another day, another dollar šŸ˜‰ And showing off those arms after changing back into real clothes!

If you look closely on my left arm (right side for you) you can see the vein working its way down! Yay
If you look closely on my right arm you can see the vein working its way down! Yay

Today is my last shift of the week too! Yay šŸ™‚ 3 day weekend coming my way!

I skipped the gym for a rest day, and came straight home after work. Phoebe was super happy! Here’s some cute pics of her from the night. They are a little blurry because she runs around like a mad woman šŸ˜‰

Oh hello! Hi there!
Oh hello! Hi there! Down Here!
Look at me mama! Aren't I adorable?
Look at me mama! Aren’t I adorable?
Arf Arf pay attention to me!
Arf Arf pay attention to me!
I love her face in this one, cracks me up!
I love her face in this one, cracks me up!

We finished watching The Bachelor, don’t get me started on this creep! Remember how in love I was with Sean at the beginning? Well I should’ve known, I have a thing for jerks! No really, if you are watching he is playing every single girl, telling her “she is the one”. It’s going to be one fun reunion show!

I also made a yummy salad for dinner with my own homemade DIJON DRESSING! letter D anyone? Click the picture for my recipe!

Warm chicken and veggie salad with Dijon Dressing
Warm chicken and veggie salad with Dijon Dressing– don’t forget the side of Ezekiel bread!

I also reached a cool number of Instagram followers yesterday! I just love instagram. It’s a way of sharing pictures with people from your phone. I share my recipes and progress pics. Feel free to follow me: SkinnyMinnieMoves is my username šŸ™‚

1111- Make a wish!
1111- Make a wish!

If you already follow me on Instagram, thanks!

Later today I hit the gym for some good shoulder work! Can’t wait, my favorite!


Morning edit: After A LOT of thinking about my clean eating issues, I realized I didn’t have any problems the first week or so. I thought well maybe because my body liked the change. So after thinking more, what was the difference? I had already introduced meat after being a vegetarian for a year, so it wasn’t that. Then it hit me….

PEANUT BUTTER! Like I said yesterday, my spoonfuls have become increasingly larger each day. I eat so much of it now, at the end of my work day, after my dinner. I work in medicine, so I put 2 and 2 together. One of the first signs of a food allergy is significant bloating. I might have a peanut allergy and not even know it! Remember how I said I never liked peanut butter before? Well I guess I didn’t know I had a problem with it because I never ate it! It makes so much sense. I always feel the worst when I wake up and the last thing I eat before bed is my peanut butter.

So peanut butter needs to decrease šŸ™ and I am still going to nix the extreme clean eating for now to let my body recover šŸ™‚

Have a lovely Thursday!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    yay!! that’s good to hear you got it all figured out!! try some almond butter? if i eat peanut butter then go for a run afterward i get sick to my stomach for some odd reason lol, after i switched to almond butter, never sick šŸ™‚

    1. Katie

      I’m huge on almond butter, I make my own too! But I wanted a change! Ugh šŸ™

  2. Erika

    It must run in the family. I’ve always had stomach issues too and I also have reflux. No fun!

  3. Anna

    I see you mentioned that you’ve been feeling bloated and uncomfortable 24/7. Have you ever thought that you may have a gluten intolerance?

    I have lost 40 pounds (was done over 3 years all by working out/eating right). When I hit my goal weight last year, I started reintroducing foods into my diet to starting the maintenance stage. Although, I was feeling really bloated, uncomfortable and just all around yucky. I was also diagnosed with severe acid reflux. Then my Dr. finally brought up the whole gluten thing…. recommended I take out gluten for 3 weeks.

    Let me tell you…it changed my life.

    I eat super healthy anyways, and surprisingly many of the foods I eat were naturally GF. ALTHOUGH, I started keeping watch and making sure everything I was eating was Gluten Free. (brown rice/quinoa for pasta and carbs, for example).
    My acid reflux was gone within those 3 weeks and I haven’t had one of my bloating/stomach ache flare ups since June when i started this lifestyle.

    Anyways… long story short. It doesn’t hurt to take a certain ingredient out of your diet for a few weeks to see if you would feel better.

    I used to eat ~1400 calories, all healthy (but still had gluten)…and would feel SO FULL and sick everyday. Not i’m at my maintenance stage and try to eat around 1800 calories a day, and never feel super full or bloated/stuffed. It was such a life changer.

    Just wanted to share! šŸ™‚

    1. Katie


      Thanks for sharing! I’ve been tested for gluten intolerance, even did a trial run in the past with taking it out. Test was negative, diet didn’t change me šŸ™
      I also am a sufferer from reflux. I’ve just dealt with stomach issues my whole life! But thanks so much for your story and thinking of me šŸ™‚

      OH! And congrats on the weight loss lady! šŸ™‚

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