A Day of Dress Up

My day was lots of fun! The holidays are such a great time of year. I am not fond of Christmas Shopping, like I have said before, I don’t like crowds. I do love spending time with my fam, and doing things together. Even if it’s sitting there talking, we always have a good time.

I started my day with my regular coffee and blogging…

Yes I drink my coffee through a straw, I love my pearly whites!
Yes I drink my coffee through a straw, I love my pearly whites!

But then off we went to G-Mama and Pop Pops!

My niece Bella came over and we decorated the tree! Going through old ornaments is so fun!Old Ornaments

It brings back tons of memories and you remember certain ages and things that happened that year. Like this one…

I was quite the nsync fan in my tween years...still love some Justin though!
I was quite the nsync fan in my tween years…still love some Justin though!

I also came across my Minnie ornament!

Skinny Minnie holding Minnie
Skinny Minnie holding Minnie

I think we did a pretty good job!

They still need to get a star or angel :)
They still need to get a star or angel 🙂 (No tinsel, pups eat it!)

Afterwards, Bella started playing dress up and put on a fashion show. I wish I could show you how AWESOME she looked. Tory Burch shoes included! But, I respect my sister’s wishes by not featuring a child on this blog. I don’t blame her.

I did have a little fun of my own though, hey you’re never too old for dress up!

Playing an Olsen Twin...
Playing an Olsen Twin…
A goofy snow hat I wore once when I almost broke my leg skiing and had to be rescued (long story)
A goofy snow hat I wore once when I almost broke my leg skiing and had to be rescued (long story)
Another cute hat I found!
Another cute hat I found!

I stayed for dinner (I always bring my own food) and it was good! I put together a quick salad from some leftover ingredients they had in their fridge, and made a mini pizza out of my Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza Crust!

Bolthouse Mango dressing. I bought this the other day. It is SO good
Bolthouse Mango dressing. I bought this the other day. It is SO good
Skinny Minnie Pizza Bites
Skinny Minnie Pizza Bites

The pizza was really good. I always use goat cheese. It’s creamy, melts like a dream, and has a great tang to it! Click the picture for the dough recipe

Phoebs was REALLY pooped from playing with Bella and Shelby all day


We went home and watched some friends reruns (I am currently in season 4 after starting the whole series from the beginning— I started 5 days ago, yeah, I have a lot of time I guess)

It was my workout day off, and I was really sore from leg day. It was in different places, which means good change and results! I’m excited to get back in the gym tomorrow for chest day 🙂

Overall, such a fab day!

I do the head tilt thing...
I do this head tilt thing a lot…

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


P.S. Congratulations to Ayzada from Brookfield, Wisconsin! She is the winner of the Justin’s Nut Butter giveaway! Thanks everyone for entering 🙂

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