Acrobat Abs
Hey Gang! Hope everyone is having a great Saturday! I was able to sleep in yesterday morning and it was FABULOUS. This was the first time in over a week that Phoebe Buffay slept in her own bed. She wasn’t too happy about it, but I knew if I put her in my bed, she’d wake me up early. I’ve been letting her sleep with me even on work days now because she makes me get up when the alarm goes off. I hit snooze about 15 times then panic when I have 5 minutes to be out the door. Yes, I am one of those people.
Coffee, blogging, and a protein shake always starts my days off!

Phoebe was MORE than ready to go to G-Mama’s! She cried all morning until I said those two magic words: “You ready?”. I was dressed and ready to go!

My girls jumped and played and were so happy to see each other! I gave G-Mama a big hug, missed her this week, and also my Shelbs! She’s so adorable.

For pre-gym snacks I had almonds, an orange, and then this fruit cup I swiped from the resident lounge on Thursday. I also had a yummy greek yogurt mixture!

I was walking out the door to go to the gym when my sis and Bella showed up! Bella was really upset I was leaving so I came back in for a little bit. We did a puzzle

Smiles all around!

Then I hit the gym for a shoulder day! I know I said yesterday I wasn’t going to but my legs weren’t up for leg day, and I didn’t want it to be all cardio, so I did some shoulder work and TRX training. Join me in the fun:
I started with 32 minutes on the stairmaster. I wore my heart rate monitor and either I am getting too good at it or my heart rate monitor isn’t accurate. I know my heart rate was not 130 beats per minute! No way. I had to be over 150 the whole time. I always say I’m going to stop wearing it, then I use it again. Oh well, onto shoulders!
- Cable rotator cuff open and close, single arm, 15 lbs, 10 reps x 4 sets each arm
- Cable Upright rows, 45-55lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Alternating front delt raises, 17.5 lbs each arm, 10 reps x 4 sets
- Front plate raise, 25 lbs, 10 reps x 4 sets
- Shoulder shrugs 35 lb kettles each hand, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Rear delt raises, 20 lbs each hand, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Lateral raises with 8 lb kettles each hand, 10 reps x 4 sets
- Shoulder shrugs on smith machine, 135-155 lbs, 10-12 reps x 4 sets
- Shoulder presses (cable machine sitting), 30 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Pushups, 10 reps x 4 sets
I hit 10 more minutes on an elliptical, then some crazy TRX training!
I started with some planks. To show you guys what I am talking about here are how my feet go in

Then in plank position! I did those pikes again. 10 reps x 4 sets!

I also did planks holding the position, then opening and closing like a scissor motion with my legs.

Then I moved the straps to hip level and attempted to balance myself up in a seat like position, by pressing down with my shoulders only. This is called the TRX L Sit. I could hold it for a little bit, but couldn’t get my legs straight up. This is the ultimate goal:

Here’s what she looks like!

Anyway, I finished my workout and stretched it out good! Grabbed my things and went!

At home I made a new recipe for you guys! This was also my dinner! Chocolate Waffles

Thanks to G-Mama for letting me borrow her waffle iron!
They were really good, I used chocolate protein powder in the batter. Click the pic for the recipe and enjoy.
Later I hit leg day! I’m going to research some more fun TRX moves to do. I love finding new ways to challenge myself. Change is good for workouts!
Speaking of legs, I had a little fun with progress pics yesterday. I normally do not show a lot of skin, but I am really proud of what I’ve done! So I share these pics with you guys because all you need is a good diet and dedication! 5 months ago I had finally lost all my weight and looked skinny. Now I am fit and I love it!

Let’s compare! This is where I was. These were taken in Jamaica in December of 2010

So if you have a bad day, a cheat day, or a bump in the road, just KEEP GOING! You can do it! Don’t give up. I regularly look at these old pictures to remind myself to keep doing what I’m doing.
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
I need that motivation sometimes also. If I start to feel down on myself, I’ll look at an old picture to remind myself where I was and how far I’ve come =)
You look amazing! I wanna start making those shakes you make. Is it just whey, a banana and almond milk? How much of everything do you use?
Thanks amber! Self motivation is really the best kind. My shakes I never measure the milk but I suspect it’s about 1/2 cup, keeps it thicker. I do unsweetened vanilla almond milk, scoop of whey, 1 frozen banana chopped, a handful of ice cubes and then whatever frozen fruit I’m feeling that day if I want it. If I do the frozen fruit I skip on the ice cubes. I continuously mix in the food processor for about 3 minutes to make it fluffy