Almost As Good As New
Oscar Sunday! Even though the Golden Globes are by far my favorite awards show, I do enjoy the Oscars. Really I like the Red Carpet and find the rest a little boring, I’ll usually DVR and flip through all the stuff I don’t like. What the heck did the world do before DVR?
I’m almost as good as new too! I woke up feeling about 70% better than the day before (awful migraine attack). By the time the afternoon rolled around I was a good 90%. My appetite still isn’t that great, but I’ve been forcing myself to eat to keep my metabolism going.
In the morning I had one of my Peaches N Cream Protein Milkshakes! Ingredient included=unsweetened almond milk for U… a stretch but hey not many foods start with U! I scarfed it down after I got out of the shower.

Phoebe hopped right in her bag too and off to G-Mama and Pop Pops we went! Poor little dog was so happy to get out of our apartment

I had corncakes with a little peanut butter as a snack with some cottage cheese

Since I was feeling better I hit the gym
I did 30 minutes of stairmaster goodness, and boy I was sweating! It felt good. Then I did some shoulder work
- Upright rows, 40 lb bar, 15 reps x 4 sets
- Front delt raises 20 lb bar, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Single shoulder press with 20 lb kettle bell, 10 reps x 2 sets each arm
- Single arm kettle swings, 20 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets each arm (little squat action in here)
- Delt flys, 20 lb weights, 15 reps x 4 sets
- Front Arm circles with 5 lb kettles, 16 reps x 4 sets EACH DIRECTION!
- Lateral raises with 8 lb kettles, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Shoulder shrugs with 35 lb weights, 15 reps x 4 sets
- Rotator cuff open and close, single arm cables, 15 lbs, 12 reps x 3 sets each arm
I also hit 10 minutes of arc trainer, some stretching, and then went back to pick up my girl!

When we came home I did some heavy bathroom cleaning. I am a firm believer in BLEACH, well obviously it is not good for small areas without windows, I think the fumes made Phoebe and I a little crazy! But I did burn extra calories
I also changed my sheets and guess who decided she was going to have a little sleepover party on my blankets?

She’s a little stinker and gets away with murder because she is so cute! She knows it too…
But look at this! EMPTY laundry basket. I usually always have at least a few things in it because I do lots of different loads all week (I go through so many gym clothes). But not last night! empty

If you are one of those people that is obsessed with the smell of laundry like I am, I highly recommend these little laundry scent boosters.

You just add those little scent beads to the wash along with the detergent. No Downy is not giving me anything for this. I just thought I would share the wealth! It made all of my laundry smell so wonderful! Especially because I have a front load washer (people that have these know what I’m talking about).
This week I am starting APPETIZER WEEK! I noticed I haven’t made any of these! While some of my recipes can be made into appetizers, it is limited. I guess I haven’t made any because I don’t host parties or found a reason to make them. Just because I am a hermit, doesn’t mean the rest of the world is! So starting today I bring you my first appetizer recipe.
Here are some awesome Chicken Parm Cups

These little babies have exactly 100 calories and an edible bowl! YUM!

I can’t believe the weekend is already almost gone! I guess because I spent all day Friday sleeping. Weekends just fly don’t they?
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
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