Back to Normal Minnie
Hello Gang!
I am happy to say I am starting to feel back to my normal self. No one likes stress, but I didn’t handle it as well as I should have. Onto being positive! And speaking of positivity I have to say I was definitely feeling the love yesterday morning when I checked my e-mail. Seems as if I was missed. Makes me feel good that you guys like reading my silly little thoughts š
If you are reading this around 8am Eastern time I am probably somewhere outside of a PetSmart in Maryland crying and jumping in front of the groomers clippers screaming “DON’T DO IT!”. Miss Buffay is getting groomed today and I’m not talking a little hair trim. A full shave…
It’s summer (officially today), it’s hot, and Phoebe pants CONSTANTLY. I’m sure you realize from pictures she’s just a big fluff ball. Imagine walking around in 80 degree weather with multiple fur coats on and never being able to take it off. Her hair is so thick and I feel bad for her. Yes it’s absolutely beautiful, but I also want her to be comfortable. My biggest concern is some Pomeranians carry the gene for alopecia, which is hair loss. The groomers warned me and asked me to confirm I knew I was at risk for the hair not growing back. I said yes I knew, when really it’s all I’ve worried about.

Stay tuned tomorrow for an after picture… don’t be surprised if I chickened out!
Work wasn’t a bad day for me. I kept pretty busy. This week was definitely overwhelming for me. Plus the plastic surgery PA was on vacation, so I was doing a lot of things she normally does on top of my job. I really enjoy plastics though so I don’t mind.
Lunch included shrimp! Haven’t had that in a while. It wasn’t on my approved list, but it’s high in protein and low fat, similar to a white fish, so I’m eating it now.

I left work early since I had a lot of overtime from Monday, and was ready to hit the gym! Time to sweat away the worries. Best way to get rid of the day is through a workout. I started with sprints on the treadmill. I really power through those babies when I’m ticked off š

I really need to work on my posture for the competition. My shoulders are naturally uneven, it’s not like I hunch one way. Perhaps I should look into a chiropractor for proper alignment.

One more go at this

After my cardio I did chest and triceps. It feels good to be going up with my weights. I can now do standing assisted tricep dips with only a 25 lb assistance for my weight. (so I can almost dip my whole body weight). Actually it was probably a little less because I had one foot on the lever, barely touching it. One day I’m not going to need it at all!

When I came home Phoebe and I went for a walk. I’ve kind of been a bad mother lately and not showing her much attention. But we have 3 whole days together š

Today I have lots to do! Squeezing it all in but going to enjoy the day too.
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns
That’s awesome you got out early!! Ahhh! So excited to see Little Miss Phoebe Buffay’s haircut :D. Dang girl, I swear your getting buffer and buffer by the day. Love your waves in that picture :). Hahaha She must have been hot to dip into the water. Have a great day š