Booty Blaster
Happy Hump day!
Since it is Wednesday this post is super appropriate since I am including my glute workout from Monday evening. I have never done a glute workout where I collapsed afterwards. Well I didn’t really collapse, but I sat on the locker room bench for a good 10 minutes before I could move.
I also REALLY liked my top that day at the gym. A little provocative I guess, but if you got it, flaunt it right? That’s what G-Mama says. This was on clearance at Victoria’s Secret for $9! It’s from the PINK line.
SO my workout? Attempt if you dare!
- SUPERSET #1- back to back exercises (no breaks), 4 sets of each!
- Good Mornings, 50 lb bar, 12 reps
- Plie squats, 50 lb bar, 12 reps
- Bulgarian Split Squats (aka the devils squat), holding 15 lb weights, 10 reps x 3 sets each leg
- Barbell hip thrust, 50 lb bar, flat on bench with weight below hips. Thrust up and down squeezing glutes, 10 reps x 3 sets
- SUPERSET #2- 4 sets of each
- Narrow deep squats holding 15 lb weights, 10 reps
- Leg lifts. Upper body on long bench in plank position (neutral spine), lift and lower leg keeping it straight, 12 reps each side
- SUPERSET #3- 4 sets of each
- Cable Leg Lifts, 30-40 lbs, 12 reps each leg
- Cable leg abduction, 30 lbs, 12 reps each leg
- Cable Donkey Kicks, 40-50 lbs, 12 reps x 3 sets each leg
25 minutes of step mill including 5- 1 minute sprints as fast as you can!
- Box leg lifts, 30 lb barbell. Lift and lower leg (toes pointed) behind you focusing on the glutes. 12 reps x 3 sets each leg with 8 pulses each side
- Box inner thigh leg lift with 30 lb barbell. Cross one leg behind the other and lift up and down. 12 reps x 3 sets each leg. Note: for both of these exercises you are on top of the box the entire time.
- Box step ups, 30 lb barbell, with alternating leg lifts. 16 reps x 2 sets
I promise this one is good and you will be super sore. Plus buns of steel!
Tuesday was not a good day for me AT ALL. From beginning to end it was one giant mess. The best part? When I made this little creation.
So what is this delectable dessert?
I call it a chocolate cream wrap. I used those Paleo Wraps I showed you guys a few days ago. My body was craving something sweet, but I didn’t want to bomb my day, so I created this.
- 1 Paleo Wrap (link on my side bar)- they are made out of coconut
- 2 Tablespoons of cocoa PB2
- 2 Tablespoons of low fat Wallaby greek yogurt
- sprinkle of cinnamon
Easy and delicious! This is 120 calories, 6 grams of fat, 13 grams of carbs, 7 grams of protein. Remember it’s good fats from coconut
Hopefully I will be back tomorrow if work doesn’t kill me first!
Have a perfect hump day.
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne
I love leg day! And that workout looks crazy!! But in a good way :). I totally want to do it!! And yum! my mouth started watering when I saw those on Instagram last night, then did the same this morning haha. They just look too good. Have a great day girl :)!
Yeah my bum is sore…
The workout looks great! Need to try to incorporate some of those moves into my workout – I have been using supersets more regularly, keeps you moving! have great day x
Yes, supersets get the work done faster too!