Coconut Whipped Cream

Move over Cool Whip, you have some competition!

Okay, I will admit I am 100% a Cool Whip addict. Not the kind in the can, the freezer section REAL Cool Whip. Actually I like the ‘light’ kind because it’s only 1 gram of sugar and is a little heartier than the fat free kind (bleh).

The bad thing about the light Cool Whip? Chemicals.ย 

EEK! I know I am a label freak, but with some things I love them so much and I use them in moderation, so I choose not to look at the label because I know it will ruin my life. Well I looked. And guess what? It’s in fact TERRIBLE! The third ingredient listed is high fructose corn syrup… but right before it? Hydrogenated oil. Sigh…

Since Monana (my baby pink Kitchen Aid) hadn’t been used yet, I thought okay let me make my own!


This whipped cream is thick and delicious. Plus it’s GOOD FATS! Pure coconut milk. If you are making this you need to buy the full fat coconut milk in a can, NOT the light. It will not work. I like the Edward & Son’s/Native Forest Unsweetened Organic Coconut Milk.


Love that ingredient list!

For this recipe you will need:

  • 1 can of unsweetened organic coconut milk (13.5oz)
  • 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
  • 2 Tablespoons of baking stevia in the raw
  • a Kitchen Aid mixer or small hand mixer

The first step to making this whipped cream is refrigerating the can. Place the can of coconut milk upside down in your fridge overnight (3-4 hours will also do the trick). This helps to separate the coconut milk/water from the thickened cream.

When you are ready to make your whipped cream, open the top of the can. All the milk/water will have surfaced to the top.


I saved mine to put in smoothies and drinks ๐Ÿ™‚


The cream is VERY thick. Open the can from the bottom now, it’ll be easier to scoop it out.



Place in the mixing bowl and start to whip on low speed until it smooths out a little bit. Increase the speed to medium-high when it starts to fluff. Add the vanilla and stevia, then whip a few seconds more.


You end up with a delicious, CREAMY, thick whipped cream.

I have to say this is the best whipped cream I have ever tasted. It just melts in your mouth. And when I went to work the next morning, I thought about it all day. Yes it’s that good.


I put a dollop on my peaches.ย Peaches and cream ๐Ÿ™‚

Nutritional info for this one is tricky since some of the water/milk is being taken away. It is healthier and less calories than regular full fat whipping cream, and has NO chemicals. So let’s just go with that ๐Ÿ™‚

Note: Remember to eat in moderation! This is a good/healthy fat our body needs, but don’t over do it. I froze mine so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat the whole bowl ๐Ÿ˜‰

And this whipped cream is VEGAN WHIPPED CREAM!ย 

Happy eating…

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


P.S. Sorry for the iPhone pictures. My camera battery was dead.

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One Comment

  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    I saw someone else do this a couple weeks ago, I thought about doing but wasn’t sure if mine would turn out right. But now I will definitely be doing this this weekend!

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