Dancing Fool on Grammy Night
Good Morning Skinny Minnies! Welcome back to the work week (enter tears here).
I enjoyed my weekend, catching up on gym time and sleep! It was nice and relaxing
When I woke up in the morning I was craving REAL food. I didn’t want oatmeal, egg whites, or even greek yogurt. I wanted PIZZA! I didn’t dial for dominos or pizza hut. I made a Skinny Minnie version. So I bring you the Healthy Hot Pocket! (H for Hot Pocket)

It was fabulous. Yeah it was 9 in the morning, but it tasted just as good as 9 at night! Definitely hit the spot.
After my pizza fest, I went to Michaels to pick up a few crafty things. I love looking through the sale bins. There are great finds in there for 99 cents! I bought a few things to “pretty” my recipes a little, and then a little goody bag of fun finds for my niece Bella.

I hit the gym early afternoon to get it done so I could enjoy the rest of my day and watch the Grammy red carpet later on.
I started with 17 minutes on the stair master, a little 10 minute arc trainer session, then hit CHEST! I used the cable crossover machine for the majority of chest today
- Pec Pull downs (handles up), 40-50 lbs, 15 reps x 4 sets
- Low Cable Crossover (handles low, lift up), 25-40 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Butterfly’s on the cables, 35 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Torso twists holding one cable and pulling to opposite side, move from waist only! 10 reps x 2 sets each side
- Incline bench press, 50 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets

- Stability ball bench press with 20 lb weights each hand, 12 reps x 3 sets
- TRX pushups (TRX straps, pushups using body resistance, super tough!) 12 reps x 4 sets
- TRX lat pull ups (body at a diagonal, feet on floor, use body resistance to pull to straight), 12 reps x 4 sets
I then decided to hit this machine for an added cardio boost. I’m not even sure what it’s called actually. It doesn’t have a name on it! Basically your feet float side to side and it works your hip adductors and abductors, and the bum!

Even though it is quite the calorie burner, I don’t recommend more than 15 minutes of this machine. If you are not in proper form at all times, it is not nice on the hips. My hips are already not aligned correctly. I think this is a “once in a while” machine, because I felt like it would do more damage to my body than good!

When I came back to G-Mama’s I was in the extra bedroom looking for something when I heard a little whimper…

Let’s take a closer look…

She can’t be away from me for more than a minute without freaking out!

Pretty cute huh? After a post gym snack of fruit and my homemade crackers (side note: G-Mama sent me a text yesterday morning that said I thought those crackers were from Wegmans! Total compliment!), we ended up taking a nap on the couch together! She absolutely will not do this at home. It must be something about G-Mama and Pop Pops house
At home I meal prepped and watched the Grammy’s! Look at Carrie Underwood. Just stunning. My girl crush!

When Justin came on, things got embarrassing. I’m pretty sure Phoebe put her paws over her eyes at one point and said “Mom stop dancing! The neighbors are staring!” The blinds were up, and I looked like I was being tasered at a Zumba class.

I have to say this was the best Grammy’s in years! I usually turn it within an hour or so, but I had the entire show on and I was up dancing all night long! It was a great concert and I wasn’t disappointed with one performance. I cannot imagine being in that arena!
Anyway, here’s my meals for the week: Spaghetti Squash recipe coming soon!

I really hope the week flies. I definitely had the Sunday blues last night. It’s hard to get back to the work week when you had such a nice relaxing weekend. Gotta make that money though!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns
aw she is so cute
i know what you mean!! i did not want to get up this morning, but if i hadn’t, then i wouldn’t get my workout in, and that would be a very sad day!
lol yeah I think I jinxed myself, woke up late! eek!
The grammy’s were fantastic! I definitely squealed at JT…I need Nsync to get back together.
Hahaha I hear ya, I saw Nsync way too many times in concert than I am willing to admit