Finds and Fixes

Good Morning Skinny Minnies! Saturday is here. It’s such a good day of the week! I actually prefer Friday’s since I am off and I still like the structure of a weekday, but hey I will take a Saturday any day too.

Today’s post will be more a “picture post” than a long chit chat, but pictures are fun too!

Yesterday I woke up feeling a little bummed, but determined to make this prep a positive experience. This is supposed to be fun and a challenge, not constant worry and negativity. So after coffee, meal #1, and computer time, I got dressed to go to Wegmans. You guys know that store always cheers me up!

Negativity? "Ain't nobody got time for that!"
Negativity? “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

Okay so I still haven’t unpacked all of my bedroom.. whoops. I will do it this weekend!

Let me show you some of the “fun finds” I picked up that I can have during prep!

This isn't really a find, more beautiful glossy tomatoes! I am not big on tomatoes plain, but I bought some of these to make a salsa with!
This isn’t really a find, more beautiful glossy tomatoes! I am not big on tomatoes plain, but I bought some of these to make a salsa with!
Coconut oil in a spray!? SCORE! Not sure how it exactly works though since coconut oil solidifies at room temp, but I already used it and it's good
Coconut oil in a spray!? SCORE! Not sure how it exactly works though since coconut oil solidifies at room temp, but I already used it and it’s good
Never heard of this! But snatched a bottle. It's supposed to be healthier than apple cider vinegar and still calorie free. Going to make a vinaigrette out of this
Never heard of this! But snatched a bottle. It’s supposed to be healthier than apple cider vinegar and still calorie free. Going to make a vinaigrette out of this

So the strawberry chocolate tea I had late last night and is probably the BEST tea I have ever had. It tastes like a chocolate covered strawberry! HEAVENLY for a dieter! They are caffeine free too so you don’t have to worry about being wired before bed.

When I came back home, lugging my groceries up to my apartment was a piece of cake thanks to the carts they provide.

So much easier now
So much easier now

The flowers in the picture I bought for G-Mama. I also bought some for myself to brighten up my day.

Rainbow flowers
Rainbow flowers

I also received a package earlier in the day (1 of 3 actually) and I knew exactly what it was.


Very exciting. I made a fluff out of this flavor here (this is a brand my coach suggested)

Butter cream toffee. Tastes so delicious! Like a cookie or something. One of the best flavors I've ever tried
Butter cream toffee. Tastes so delicious! Like a cookie or something. One of the best flavors I’ve ever tried
Low carb and lower calorie than some of the other powders!

I posted this on my instagram last night saying how much I loved it. Then I checked on amazon and only 2 were left! Hmmmm maybe this company should pay me for free advertising 😉

I also headed to G-Mama and Pop Pops yesterday but I just laid around since I wasn’t feeling that great. I also had meal #3

rice, chicken, sprouts, nothing special
rice, chicken, sprouts, nothing special

When I came back home I had 2 more packages waiting for me! The first one was an adorable suitcase I ordered for my trip to Oregon for the blogger conference I signed up for.

There's no way I will mistake my luggage for someone else's!
There’s no way I will mistake my luggage for someone else’s!

Even the inside is cute

Can't wait to use it
Can’t wait to use it

My second package was another box from Stitch Fix. The online personal shopping company I use. They send you items according to your fashion sense and you return the things you don’t want to keep. This time I ended up picking 2 items out of 5! Let’s look 🙂

Love this necklace. Keeping!
Love this necklace. Keeping! I like layering
Cowl neck tunic... not keeping. If I was pregnant maybe... ha
Cowl neck tunic… not keeping. If I was pregnant maybe… ha
White petal tank. Keeping! The back is sheer and cute
White petal tank. Keeping! The back is sheer and cute
Jersey dress, not keeping. I really like the pattern and color combo and it looks cute here....
Jersey dress, not keeping. I really like the pattern and color combo and it looks cute here….
But from the front it gives me absolutely NO SHAPE. Makes me look boxy
But from the front it gives me absolutely NO SHAPE. Makes me look boxy
Wrap dress, not keeping but want to. I'm not big on patterns, but I like the way my arms look in this dress. Even though I like it, it would probably just sit in my closet unworn for a good while
Wrap dress, not keeping but want to. I’m not big on patterns, but I like the way my arms look in this dress. Even though I like it, it would probably just sit in my closet unworn for a good while

Fun huh? If you want to sign up you can check out the site here.

For dinner I made a turkey breast! I used the coconut oil spray and a little pepper. That’s it! Phoebe went to town on the skin. I eat it skinless of course. Lots of good protein. It came out super moist and delicious 🙂

BIG turkey breast. 7 lbs! Looks like I am going to be eating turkey breast a while...
BIG turkey breast. 7 lbs! Looks like I am going to be eating turkey breast a while…

Today is another day of prep, hoping it is as successful as yesterday!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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One Comment

  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    Hey, at least you’ve got the right mind set for why your doing it! Love the “keeps”! That neckless and top are too cute!!! I love rainbow flowers! I like getting white roses and dying the water they’re in. It’s always fun to see what color they come out to be 😀 Enjoy your Saturday!!

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