Ups, Downs, And Everything in Between
Emotional roller coaster. That is what I am calling this prep so far. I almost feel like I have some sort of psychological disorder. One minute I’m saying “YEAH! I got this, I am going to rock that stage!”. The next I am saying “I can’t do it! I need to live normal, I need to breathe!”. Then “Oh no girl, never quit, you can push through it!”. Five minutes later “I stink at this, why am I doing it?”
So as you see I am all over the place. I’m hoping as the weeks continue this subsides some and I get used to it. I like structure and a routine, but I also hate change. This is the adjustment period still, hopefully soon I’ll be normal again.
Yesterday was a very slow day at work for me until the afternoon. Then my team got slammed with 5 consults back to back (of course an hour before I’m due to leave).
Luckily, earlier in the day there was an orthopedic sales rep that sometimes comes in on certain cases who I know only by association and word of mouth. She is a mutual friend of one of my gym friends and competes! Small world she comes to my hospital š I have been told about her before and the orthopedic PAs in my office kept telling her about me saying I was doing this. They called me into the OR today and I finally was able to meet her! It was so nice being able to talk to someone about the process, if only for a few minutes. Sadly I was paged to the ER and had to bail quickly, but I’m hoping to see her again soon so we can chat more. She has a rockin’ bod too!
I was able to get in my meals at reasonable times since I wasn’t in the OR.

One of the residents that I am close with had some time free around my meal #3 time, so we grabbed lunch together. This sounds easier than it was. Instead of lugging my suitcase of food around, I had to “prep” again to eat somewhere other than my office.

So much work to inhale food so quickly. I was SO relieved when it was time to leave. Weekend please enter into my life and STAY a while! I got dressed for the gym and was prepared to hit a mini leg day session

When I got to the gym, I had a major gym fail. I had a huge bottle of water that probably weighed a good 5 pounds or so. Well I had it sitting up on a shelf, I bent over and WAM. It flew down and hit the back of my head and neck. I did yell a dirty word, I admit it… but it knocked me so hard I saw stars. I tried to shake it off, went downstairs, did two leg exercises and had to leave. My head was throbbing so bad I couldn’t stand it.
I decided I will have plenty of time this weekend to catch up for lost gym time. Need to take care of myself. Oh and stop being such a klutz š
So when I came home I had a snack and took Phoebe for a walk. I didn’t realize it was raining and Phoebe DID NOT like the rain. She tried running right back in. She kept shaking her fur and looking at me like “really mom? let’s go inside”. So we did a quick walk up and down and went back in.
After some food, I spent the remainder of my night doing this

Head is still bothering me, but hoping I wake up refreshed with the attitude I need for this competition prep!
Have a wonderful Friday. TGIF!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
P.S. Recipes will be lacking for a while as I am focusing on another side project with clean recipes. I’ll tell you about it soon!
Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns
I hope your feeling better today! Geez, I can’t imagine having a huge water bottle fall on me. Can’t wait for the recipes!! Hahaha my dog does the same, only difference is she stares at the rain and sits there blinking before she looks at me like I’m the crazy one. Enjoy the start of your weekend š
I think it’s all a matter of perspective. There are many people in this world getting ready for competitions right now and I’m sure they all feel the same way, maybe if you view this prep as a team process with them you may not have so much negativity. Or, if you have negativity and you think that it’s just a thought and it will fade with time, it’s just electrical impulses in the brain the thought may fade. Or finally if you imagine lifting the burden of this competition off your back and into the hands of God, or Karma or the Universe it may bother you less. This is advice that some may give you to maintain Charisma.