Fun Friday Memories
TGIF! Yay It’s Friday! We are almost to the weekend. So hang in there!
I remember as a kid looking forward to friday nights so much. Nothing beat the Olsen Twins saying “You Got It Dude” with a thumbs up and Steve Urkel pining for Laura’s love. I never cared for the whole hot Steve Urkel or “Stefan”. Even as a small child I thought it was so wrong that Laura only liked him when he was good looking. What, she can’t like him for his inner beauty and who he really is? I was obviously more mature than my age!
I also remember as a kid when my mom or G-Mama would take my sister and I to “I Can’t Believe It’s Yogurt” Does anyone remember this place? It was a rare find in the 90’s. If I think about it real hard, I can still taste the vanilla, smell the rainbow jimmies (yes, I call them jimmies, they are NOT sprinkles) and see the green cups. It went out of business years ago and that was a sad day— CORRECTION. I just googled it and it seems they are up and runnin’ again (but only in Canada ) I guess because of the new yogurt craze. It looks quite different, I wonder if it still tastes the same?
The problem with frozen yogurt is that I cannot have a small cup. I have to fill it. And then my insides hate me. So I have solved this little problem… I give you the Frozen Monkey

This fun dessert is simple to make and tastes delicious. Made out of ripe frozen bananas! Click the picture for the recipe
Today at G-Mama’s Phoebs played around with Justin Beaver…
And I rocked my Jason Mraz shirt!

G-Mama made a delicious chicken and veggie pizza, but of course I didn’t have any because of the chicken and turkey pepperoni. I think it looked beautiful though!
I get my kitchen skills from the best
I hit the gym today, but failed a little. I don’t know what it was, but I felt really nauseated all of a sudden. I decided not to push it and only got in a little bit of leg work and cardio. After a couple of squats I wasn’t feeling too great, so the plan is to try leg day tomorrow instead! Everyone is entitled to their blah days!
This is pretty much as far as I got…

Tune back in tomorrow for my real leg workout. I plan to make it a good one!
Have a great weekend. Tomorrow is my recipe day off, but I will have another one up Sunday. I will still be blogging tomorrow though! And don’t forget to enter to win the Justin’s Nut Butter. Last chance! Click HERE!
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
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