Good and Bad

Good Morning,

Happy Friday. Today I have a new recipe for you guys! This one is so easy and delicious you will be saying “why didn’t I think of that?”.

Whenever I am stressed I come up with the best cooking ideas! Good things come out of the bad I guess, because I give you the Casein Almond Butter Cup.


Click for the recipe 🙂

Speaking of stress and good and bad, I often have to give myself pep talks daily. Does anyone else do this? I think it’s a good idea. Anyone can tell you to keep going, but when I tell myself to do it, I get better results. Yesterday when I went in the dollar store I came across some great wall stickers and just had to pick them up. Check them out:


In my blog room


In the living area


Above my bed


In the bathroom where I get ready

My favorite is the first one. A lot of the times I sit at my computer, brainstorm, and work hard on some of my projects. Now I can look up and have some motivation right there!

Each of these were only a dollar. WHAT A STEAL! So 4 bucks for these great clings that are easily removable. An awesome find.

Miss Buffay and I had a little slip up at night because she got SUPER messy. Let’s just say there were stinky things everywhere, even in her paws. I had no choice but to bathe her. She was not pleased.


Sorry Phoebs


“Really Mom?”


Wild animal!


I let her air dry because she hates the blow dryer


Luckily we made up fast. Mommy had taken her for a long walk earlier in the day and gave her a new toy. So gotta take the bad with the good Phoebs!

She was super sleepy later on, baths are traumatic!


Hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow or the next day with some workout stuff for you guys, so stay tuned!

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. tam

    hi, those casein cups look amazing, going to try those this weekend. I usually always have a casein pudding before bed, not very inventive but its yummy! Have great day xx

    1. Katie

      Place a tablespoon of chocolate chips, Pop it in the freezer for 15-30 minutes and it’s like cookie dough tam! pudding changes to cookie dough BAM!

      1. tam

        thanks for the suggestion! x

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