I Had a Moment
Okay, I realize that may not be the most appropriate way to start my blog, but I can’t help it. This work week has been a tad bit stressful for me, so finally being able to walk away for three days is glorious. I need to just plop in my bed and not think about the hospital.
Also, The Big Bang Theory starts back up tonight. Season 7, holy cow! My favorite show (besides Friends of course). Bazinga.
I haven’t been doing much besides watching television and going to work. I know, I have a fitness blog, yet not doing a good job of being fit. It’s been a hard month. And yesterday I had a moment at work. It can’t always be smiles and agreement. So saving myself the embarrassment, I will just update with a few pictures of things.
Miniature Sheldon and Amy figurines? Um yes, I want!
A random work salad that was pretty good. I love baby corn
The first picture released for Dumb and Dumber 2. Probably my favorite movie of all time. I ALMOST don’t want this to happen. Sequels usually disappoint, and I’m afraid it’ll ruin the thought of the original. “Our pets heads are falling off!”. Seriously 20 years later and I laugh like it’s the first time I’ve seen it. PLUS in the very beginning there is a little pomeranian who wants the footlong in Harry’s Mutt Cuts van. He ends up getting covered in mustard. Poor little guy.
My happy little world.
This was a conversation with my BFF yesterday. We have NEVER agreed on music EVER. We were discussing “The Voice” and a performer that did a Coldplay song. I got the two confused and you can follow the rest. Seriously though, those are the only 2 good Coldplay songs.
She is really loving snuggles lately.
My idea of making an “effort” to look semi composed at work. I put on earrings…
This was my healthy shrimp “fried” rice from the other day. Click the picture for the RECIPE! 242 calories and 4.6 grams of fat per serving.
Enjoy your Thursday
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne
Well thank god it’s Thursday then!! Hopefully today goes better than the rest of the week. And Hooray for The Big Bang Theory! I’ve been waiting for this day
And hey, sometimes you just need a break from everything, and when you go back to working out, your body will be refreshed and ready to kill it! Have a great day 
I loved the second ep of Big Bang. And any penny/Sheldon interaction is always awesome lol