I’m Sorry That Food Isn’t Clean
Happy Saturday Everyone! Phoebe and I are so happy! When I came home last night, I jumped up and down and she was on two legs hopping along right next to me! I swear she is just the dog version of me. We were both dancing and singing a little song about it being the weekend!
I’m pretty sure she said “3 whole days mama”
Work went super fast! It’s so busy that I don’t have time to even think to myself “half way there” or “7 more hours”. Which is good! The morning started off VERY gross, I will spare you the details, but I had to change my scrubs and pretty much jump in bleach to feel clean again. Oh the surgical world….
I did however get lunch! Not only did I get lunch, I got to sit down at a real table and eat it! Fancy My department was doing new resident interviews so they invited us up for lunch. Of course I brought my “clean food” and I was told several times to dig into the food they served which included crab cakes, potatoes, and other things that aren’t Minnie approved. Each time I had to say no thank you and that was never enough. I then had to explain “I’m sorry I eat only clean foods without chemicals and preservatives”. Well first of all, I get looked at like I have 3 heads! Every single time! They think I’m the weirdest person on the planet. I know they thought I was a snob too, as if I was saying “you’re food isn’t good enough for me”. It’s not the case at all, I just want to be healthy and control my food. I felt bad because they thought I was knocking their food, but I had to say it that way. When there is free food involved you know what happens, people will continue to push it on you until you take it. So I had to be a little blunt… eek!

Even though I had lunch, I was starving all day! I think I must have gone up and down the hospital steps about 100 times and walked all over the place. Probably the most I’ve done there yet. My knee was throbbing by the end of the day, but like I said I refuse to take an elevator. Even when I need to sit at a computer to document, I will go to one on the highest floor of the hospital and take the steps all the way up, even if where I need to go next is all the way across the other side of the hospital. I really get in a lot of exercise this way!
This is posted in the stairways

Here’s a lovely view from one of the floors!

I actually left ON TIME TODAY! I couldn’t believe it. Just check out this pic

I went straight to the gym for a quick 1 hour session. I usually stay longer on shoulder day, but my stomach wasn’t letting that happen. It was growling so loud, I didn’t understand! I ate all through out the day. Must have been those stairs
Speaking of stairs, I hit more. Insane right? 26 minutes on the stair master, and that was it for me and cardio today. The hospital gave me enough thank you.
It was shoulder time and this was quick and powerful (alternating exercises):
- Upright rows, 20 lb dumbbells, 12 reps x 4 sets
- Side bends with 30 lb kettle bell, 15 reps x 2 sets each side
- Delt fly’s, 17.5 lb dumbbells, 15 reps x 4 sets
- Torso twists with 30 lb kettle bell, 10 reps x 2 sets each side
- Shoulder press standing, 15 lb dumbbells, 12 reps x 3 sets
- Standing crunch with 30 lb kettle bell, 12 reps x 3 sets
- Front Delt raise, 20 lb bar, 15 reps x 4 sets
- Shoulder shrugs, 30 lb kettle bells each hand, 15 reps x 4 sets (do these ladies, they make a difference!)
- Front Arm circles, 5 lb kettle bells each hand, 10 circles each direction x 2 sets
- Lateral Delt raise, 5 lb kettle bells each hand, 15 reps x 4 sets
- Single arm upright rows alternating, 12 lb kettle bells, 20 reps x 2 sets
Now that I list it, it looks like more than I realized! I guess I just did it fast!

At home I was out of chicken (tears… I really wanted some!), so I settled for mahi mahi. I was going to do just plain olive oil with some veggies on the side, but instead I put together what I call a “Clean Twist Fish Taco”

Made with a clean corn tortilla, mixed greens, onion, and bok choy! Not your regular fish taco, Click the picture for the recipe!
I’m thinking the gym will be skipped today. The plan was for me to do 5 days a week, taking 2 work days off, but I ended up only taking 1 this week! I think I need a day to let my knee rest (I looked at it and it’s actually a little puffy). It was supposed to be leg day, but I need to be smart and let my body chill a little. So I’m going to enjoy my Saturday and hang out with my favorite people
Enjoy the start to your weekend, I know I will
XOXO With a Cherry On Top,
P.S. Thank you for the e-mails I have been receiving! It’s nice to know I am inspiring people to make changes in their lives. If you are looking for detailed advice, I will get back to you, but I want to answer to the best of my ability so I will send you an e-mail saying I received it and then will write you back a more detailed response when I have more time! Thanks again. I love hearing from you guys
Yum! That taco sounds delicious, and so does your lunch. And the dog on your banner is too cute!
Thanks! They are really good. And that’s Phoebe Buffay, my better half!