Joey Doesn’t Share Food

Last night as I was meal prepping and portion controlling (is that a phrase?) I was thinking about sharing food. I always think about Friends where Joey is at a restaurant on a date and the girl eats off his plate and he FREAKS OUT! “Joey doesn’t share food!”

I am like Joey Tribianni! Here’s the thing, if it’s someone you love (mom, dad, siblings, best friend, pup, significant other) then yes, I am all about it. You go out to a restaurant on a date with someone you have been dating a while and split a dish, no biggie. I actually like doing that. Little taste for you, little taste for me. Perfectly fine. Or in the kitchen you are making something and you say to your loved one, “you have to try this!”. I often will bring snacks to G-Mamas and I always say “want to try?”. She also always gets on me because Phoebe and Shelby will end up eating half of what I have and she’ll say “Katie Beth, you don’t eat much, you eat it!”

Here’s what I cannot stand and it happened all the time at my old job. I’m sitting there eating my pre portioned food, mind you, I eat so healthy, and this is all I have. I can’t go down to the cafeteria and grab something, or off to the doctors lounge to swipe some chips or a bagel. Nope this is it for me. I’m munching on my blueberries, edamame, or some other healthy snack in a ziplock bag, and someone will hold out their hands and say “Can I have some?”. OKAY NO! Is this selfish? Well maybe. Unfortunately I am too nice of a person and will never say no. But in my mind I’m thinking WHAT THE HECK! This is all I have! You know I eat this way and you want to take the little bit of food I actually have?

I’m surprised they don’t say don’t worry about it, because the look on my face when someone would ask was complete horror. I simply cannot hide my facial expressions. My face always shows what I’m thinking!

Maybe I am just not a sharer of food. I would NEVER ask someone for a bite of theirs. Frankly, I think it is extremely rude! Especially because these are people I am not that friendly with. Doctors on call, nurses I barely talk to, or just random employees saying “oh boy that looks good, can I try it?” Ma’am no you may not! As I smack their fork away…

Moving on,

Phoebe and I headed to G-Mama’s as usual and Bella and Casey were there! (The guys were at Ray Ray’s last home game at M&T). Bella did G-Mama’s makeup and did a fabulous job too!

I hate to be one of those aunt’s that brag, but I’m going to. Look at my Bella’s hair. GORGEOUS

She has good genes that one!
She has good genes that one!

G-Mama made her a fabulous fancy little tray

I brought the edamame :)
I brought the edamame ๐Ÿ™‚

Phoebe was lucky to snag a few chippies ๐Ÿ˜‰

Phoebe crunched, we don't have chips at home!
Phoebe crunched, we don’t have chips at home!

Later, I headed to the gym for a cardio power hour. When I woke up yesterday my legs were EXTREMELY sore from leg day, but once I got moving I felt better so I knew I could do it.

I did 47 minutes on the stairs, and then 13 minutes of the row machine. I finally was able to replace my watch battery so I saw how much I burned. I thought it would be more actually because I run up that stair master ! But again, I am not a big girl and my cardio stamina is way up there.

Sorry this is an old watch and it's scratched
Sorry this is an old watch and it’s scratched

Polar 2

I actually didn’t do an hour and 30 minutes. I did my hour and then finished with some ab work (V-ups, bicycles, reverse crunches, and straight leg crunches). So it was around an hour and 15 minutes. I leave my polar on for 15 minutes after my workout because you still burn calories ๐Ÿ™‚

At home for dinner I had the same as the night before. Turkey burger and a salad (if I find something I love I will often eat it 3 or 4 days in a row!) The salad has my homemade clean Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette. Click the picture for the recipe!

Salad with Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette
Salad with Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette

2 Tablespoons of this little gem is ONLY 2.3 grams of fat and 30 calories! WOW!!!

Later, I was doing laundry and took quite the tumble myself. I was carrying my laundry basket and tripped over one of Phoebe’s toys and down I went. I slammed on my wood floors, banging my right knee, ankle, and all my toes (I actually thought a few were broken). ย Luckily my phone was in reach, because I was down on the floor for a good 10 minutes before I was able to get up.

And yes my little brat grabbed the toy underneath me and started playing..
And yes my little brat grabbed the toy underneath me and started playing…

I was able to shake it off, and I iced it, but man I know I’m going to be sore tomorrow! I went down HARD.

Ice and Elevate!
Ice and Elevate!

When I was feeling a little bit better I meal prepped! It is so much easier to take some time out of your weekend night and prepare healthy meals so you can grab and go during the busy week. Trust me on this one ๐Ÿ™‚

Big Pot of green beans!
Big Pot of green beans!
HUGE pot of rice (yay to using my dutch oven)
HUGE pot of rice (yay to using my dutch oven)
Greek Yogurts pre portioned (these snap containers are great!)
Greek Yogurts pre portioned (these snap containers are great!)
Lunches for the week. Don't they look delicious? All clean!
Lunches for the week. Don’t they look delicious? All clean!

If you are wondering where I got my tupperware, it’s a 48 piece set from BJ’s. I had a coupon and the regular price 19.99 was knocked down to 14.99, what a steal! And they are the super durable ones ๐Ÿ™‚

So much food, maybe I should share it?

On second thought… who am I kidding? ๐Ÿ˜‰

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. casey

    Ok. Well I see that while I was at the store for all of 30 or 40 min. G mama slips in oreos, coke and chips. No wonder my lettuce wraps flopped! That’s ok though. I did see some green. Girl math. It all evens out I guess;-)

    1. Katie

      LOL whoops. Honestly, she didn’t touch much but the edamame! Smart girl ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Lena @ Lena's Health & Happiness

    This made me laugh! My husband is called Joey and he hates sharing his food – I always tease him but he hasn’t seen that Friends episode so he doesn’t quite get the joke. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m with you on not wanting to share pre-packed food – you only pack as much as you are planning to eat. But I love sharing food if you’re out to restaurant, I always prefer ordering multiple small dishes and sharing amongst everyone.

    1. Katie

      Glad I am not the only one! Ha ๐Ÿ™‚

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